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POV Author:

I was going to wait until Saturday.

But I've been sitting on this chapter since yesterday and I'm too curious to see your comments, so I'm not going to. 😅😆

Remembering that I'm still bad at writing this kind of scene (and many others) but you guys seem to like it so here's a bit more 🔥

Remembering that I'm still bad at writing this kind of scene (and many others) but you guys seem to like it so here's a bit more 🔥

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First was sinking his teeth into khao's flesh. In a primal way, he was a hungry animal.
Mouthfuls of the sweetest blood he had ever tasted filled his mouth.
It was Khao's smell, his taste, his very essence that he drank in, and in all his years, First had never experienced anything like it.
He was lost. 
First knew he was taking too much, he could feel Khao softening and getting weaker but he was unable to stop.
Khao was about to come, he'd spent his life running from vampires, he'd never imagined how good, liberating and very, very exciting that was.
He could feel his climax coming but he could also feel his strength draining away. In a moment of pure bravery, Khao sent a shock wave through First's body, snapping him out of his trance.
First moved away just enough so that his fangs were no longer in contact with the sorcerer. And he stood there for a moment, first trying to remember how to act, and then praying to every God he knew that Khao wouldn't abominate him after that.
Khao squirmed and moaned beneath him, and when his hands found First's hair, the vampire thought he was about to push him away. But he didn't. He grabbed his face and lifted it from his neck, then brought their mouths together again.
First, no longer was able to think about his actions, when he felt the other man's hard member in contact with his belly, khao moaned deeply against the man's mouth.
— Please, khao, don't moan like that. - Sobbing, First begged against the sorcerer's lips
— Why? - he asked in a whisper as the hands on his waist squeezed a little tighter.
— Because it makes me want to fuck you as if my life depended on it.  - he answered straight away as he slid one of his hands down the young man's bare back - And honestly, right now I think it does.
The kissing and sucking began with Khao's chest, who had his hands in the man's dark hair and urged him to continue. With his tongue, First circled the blond's nipple, sucked a little and then bit down, doing the same with the other.
— First - moaned Khao softly, although he was completely wet with pre cum, Khao was enjoying being worshipped like that.
— I'm going to fuck you now, like no one ever fuck before, you can beg but I won't stop. - said the vampire as he kissed way lower and lower down his abdomen, scraping his fangs across the smooth skin.
Khao swallowed, agreeing and took a deep breath as First slid his hand down his abdomen until he reached the edge of his underwear that the other man was unfortunately still wearing, then pulled it down until he finally removed it from his body.
First slid his hand slowly up Khao's thigh until he reached his groin and felt the other man's body vibrate when he finally grasped his member by the base with his other hand.
Licking his lips in excitement, First approached the member and slowly slid his tongue along its length.
— Oh, First. - Khao sighed heavily when he felt First's mouth suck his cock and then swallow his member completely.
First moaned loudly when he felt the sorcerer's strong hands squeeze his hair. Khao was so aroused that he almost came just from Fisrt's suction.
— I'm sorry. - said First, letting go of Khao's exploding member. - But there won't be any preminars today.
First left khao no time to react or think. He used his supernatural speed and strength to flip the little guy over and brutally put him on all fours.
Khao's hands were placed on the headboard to give him enough support.
— Khao stick up ur ass for me - growled First in his ear, causing electric currents to run through his entire body until they reached his hard cock. Khao moaned and obeyed.
First stared at the smaller man's gorgeous ass and lost himself. In its place, there was only an animal lust that begged to be sated, and with a sharp, strong thrust First pushed himself inside Khao. With his muscles tense, he lay flat against his body, as if the sensation of his cock inside him was too much and he needed a second to get himself oriented.
It took Khao's breath away.
Not from the pain, no, this was something different. When First cock violated him, every nerve in Khao's body exploded with pleasure. It was instantaneous.
It was like a bomb detonated without warning, blasting ecstasy through every cell of his body.
And he cummed. Wave after wave of pleasure rolled through him, emptying his erection. First let go of Khao's body and bit him again, sucking the back os his neck, gently this time, which sent another wave of pleasure through him, making instantly hard again. Khao's eyes went wide, his penis pulsed again and again, and he came again.
He yelled, a hoarse sound, his whole body shaking with a pleasure too great to be contained.

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