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Khao didn't leave his room all day, in fact he was determined never to leave again, if he was going to be a prisoner here, he should start acting like one

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Khao didn't leave his room all day, in fact he was determined never to leave again, if he was going to be a prisoner here, he should start acting like one.
But the sounds of music and voices coming from the courtyard, getting louder as the moon rose, were too much for the boy's curious mind. Before he could analyze his actions, he was already halfway there.
Sea had told him that at night that space was used as a kind of meeting place, but never would Khao have imagined something like what he was seeing now.
Dozens and dozens of vampires gathered together, dancing, drinking and chatting. It looked like an open-air fair with lots of alcohol and fangs.
Khao loved it.
He might not like vampires, but he realized that in that space among his own kind they could be themselves, without lies or masks. Something he could never do.
Watching from a corner, he heard everyone in the courtyard fall silent, and in the silence of the music he could hear his heart stoping when all the vampires turned to face him.
Khao didn't scare easily, but having almost a hundred vampires staring at him made his heart beat faster, which he knew for some of them would be exactly what they wanted. Khao discreetly took a step back, everything in his body urged him to run, but his training prevented him from doing so, running from a predator was the worst thing he could do.
— You don't have to leave. - He heard someone say approaching him from the side - You are a guest of our Lord. No one here will harm you.
And as if that was all the cue they needed, they turned and went back to doing what they were doing before. Now completely ignoring his presence.
— It's the first time we've had anyone from outside. They're just curious. - said the vampire still at his side.
— I think I'd better go back to my room.
— Not at all. - said the boy, he was taller than Khao and visibly more muscular, but he had a sincere smile. - Everyone has to have fun at Lunae. It's a rule.
— Lunae ? - asked Khao, curious and letting himself be led to the center by the friendly vampire.
— That's what we call our little moonlight gathering.
Khao immediately looked up at the sky, the moon was full and shining brightly, he had never seen it so beautiful or maybe he had just stopped looking.
— My name is Neo by the way.
— khao. - he said hesitantly, it had been a long time since he had introduced himself to someone with his real name. But Kanaphan already knew, so there was no point in hiding it.
— I know. - said the vampire smiling - Everyone here knows.
Khao glared at him angrily.
— I'm sorry, I'm not teasing you - Neo explained. - It's just that you're the first person First has brought here, and a human at all, so we're all curious of why.
So First hadn't told everyone who he really was. Interesting, thought Khao.
— Believe me, I want to know too.
— First is complicated. He's a good leader, don't get me wrong, but many people fear him, he keeps his distance from everyone. And he never tells us what he's thinking. - Neo continued laughing - Not that anyone has the courage to ask except Aj. Neo stopped, picked up a glass and handed it to Khao.- How long have they known each other? - asked khao.
— Nobody knows. Rumor has it that Aj was the first one First transform.  Not even Aj talk about it.
— And where is he?
— First?
— Aj. This seems to be his type of place - said Khao, looking around.
Neo laughed.
— Of course it does, he started it. Years ago he said that if we needed to get together and update each other, we should at least have some fun doing it.
Khao smiled imagining the scene, he had grown fond of the playful vampire as he fought with him.
— But he doesn't take part much these days, he's busy between looking after the club and the courts. - Neo continued - Today he brought a wolf into the catacombs.
— A wolf? - Khao asked Neo realized that he had said too much, as he always did, when Jimmy quickly appeared at his side and hugged him tightly. Khao knew something was wrong, Jimmy looked nervous and Neo, who had spent the last few minutes smiling, frowned.
— Neo. I'm glad I finally found you. - said the doctor - Mark is looking for you
— Oh. I've got to go. - Neo said, avoiding looking at Khao before disappearing.
— Is something wrong? - asked the minor
— No. - Jimmy answered calmly
— Who's Mark?
— Oh, Neo's crush. He's been running after him ever since he turned. It's been 50 years, I think.
Jimmy no longer seemed nervous. He smiled happily at his friend's foolishness.
— By the way. Sea and Fourth are in the kitchen making dinner. - he said cheerfully. - In case you're hungry.
— I am.
Jimmy smiled as he followed Khao down the corridor to the kitchen and then back towards the courtyard. Khao was about to open the kitchen door when he heard Fourth and stopped.
— So they really are going to keep the wolf locked up downstairs.
— Fourth, that's none of your business. - scolded Sea.
— I just don't think kidnapping and torturing his friend is the best way to convince him to stay. - scoffed the youngest. - Vampires are strange.
Kidnapping? Torture? Friend ? The wolf ?
These words repeated themselves a thousand times in Khao's head and when he finally understood, he could feel his blood boiling.
And for the first time in years, he didn't want to.
— Brigth.

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