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Pov Author;
I am very late and I apologize to those who have been following this story. I am resuming it little by little, for now there is still no schedule for posting but I promise not to disappear again.

Your comments are what keep me writing so please COMMENT...

(And stay tuned because we will have revelations and twists soon)

I am baaaaack !

It's been a while since I've written so if there are any mistakes, please let me know

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It's been a while since I've written so if there are any mistakes, please let me know.

First didn't sleep much, even though he was a vampire and only needed a few hours of sleep a week, he still avoided it. But after his exhausting night he was not surprised that his body fell into the need.
Waking up slowly he began to remember everything that had happened the night before, how after bringing the human into his room they had kept busy all night, glimpsing the sunrise still inside him he couldn't help but sketch a smile at the corner of his lips. He stretched trying to reach the human, but to his surprise there was no one beside him on the bed.
Now completely awake, First concentrated on his senses, he couldn't hear anyone in the bathroom or in the kitchen, there was no one else in his apartment but himself, he realized angrily as he stared at the empty pillow where the smell of vanilla he had smelled in the human's hair still lingered as if it were mocking him.

First got out of bed nervously, who did that human think he was to run away from him like that, irritated he went into the bathroom determined to completely forget the previous night.
It was irresponsible of him to bring a human into his apartment to begin with, it was better that he left without any drama.
But as soon as he faced himself in the mirror he imagined how many marks he would have if he didn't heal quickly, the human may have been small and annoying but he was also irresistible and insatiable that First had to admit, touching lightly the side of his body he could almost feel the nails of that human that had been clawed into his skin several and several times during the night.
He smiled at the memory of the moans that the human let loose in his ears and couldn't help but grin like a fool at the mirror.
First did not like to repeat the night with anyone, some confused the situation, others tried to take advantage of his closeness. So he never slept with the same person twice.
But just remembering how Akk made him feel last night his body was already reacting on its own, clearly wanting more.
And if that human really thought he could get away with it, First would love to prove him very wrong.
* * *

- But what is your interest in this human? - asked Aj pouring two glasses of whiskey - didn't you leave here yesterday with him?
- The club hasn't even opened and you're already drinking? - replied First staring at the glass that his friend for in front of him.
- It's already past ten somewhere . - replied Aj raising his glass for a toast and turning the contents at once .
- You're impossible - said First rolling his eyes.
- Don't try to change the subject, what happened yesterday ?
- Nothing.
- First come on . - smiled Aj pouring himself another glass. - I haven't seen him tense up like that in years.
- It's nothing serious. I just want to know more about him. - said First with a tone that made it clear the subject was closed.
A tone Aj knew all too well, if First didn't want to tell him he knew that continuing to ask would only irritate the older man.
- Don't kill me ok," Aj said, already knowing that he was about to worsen his friend's already bad mood.
First he stared at his friend, his mood had been somber since early morning, first waking up alone, then he had to wait until the sun went down so he could go to the club to try to find out something about his human runaway, and now this.
- What the fuck do they want now ?
- Your presence is expected at the next meeting. - sneered Aj in his tone of voice as he relayed the message.
First snorted, he knew that the message was not an invitation but a statement that he was obligated to attend, irritated he turned the glass that was forgotten in front of him.
The council was made up of 5 chairs, one for each representative of the creatures of the night, FIrst didn't like to engage with them, over the years he discovered a fundamental hatred for politics, however as one of the founding elders he was regularly called upon as a councilor.
- After the shit they did last time, they still have the nerve to summon me? - he asked rhetorically to no one in particular.
The last meeting he was present at was about 20 years ago and it didn't end well.
- The meeting will be tomorrow. - AJ informed, shrugging his shoulders.
There was no need to inform him of the time, since the first meeting, all had been held at the same time, they were always held at midnight.
He had more important things to do than to deal with the frills of the council, such as locating a short, stubborn, sexy human
Still sitting in the office First could hear the arrival of some employees ready to start the night.
- I need you to make something for me. - announced First, staring at the empty glass in his hand.
Aj, who was organizing some papers, stopped surprised, he could be his best friend and right arm but First almost never asked him anything, not that he didn't want or like to help but First had a tendency to want to solve everything by himself.
- What do you need? - asked Aj with a curious smile.
- You can ask the staff if any of them know him," First took his cell phone out of his pocket and showed a picture from one of the security cameras he kept outside his apartment.
- I really want to know what this guy did that made you so interested.
First didn't answer and just handed the device to his friend.
- ok ok, I'll see what I can find out. - said Aj leaving the office.
First accessed the bar's system, looking for any purchases made by the young man but there was nothing, if he bought anything he probably did it in cash. And since Aj didn't recognize him it meant he wasn't a regular, but Aj always paid more attention to the creatures that regularly came to the club and didn't usually care for humans, so he thought it best to ask the bar staff.
Aware that First could hear everything they said from the office Aj passed the picture from hand to hand receiving only negative signals, until he noticed a slight hesitation in one of the bartenders.
- Bright ? - called Aj curious about the reaction of one of his best employees. - Do you know him?
The tall boy stared at Aj expressionlessly, clearly trying to hide something. Brigth had only started working at the club a few months ago, at first Aj thought he wouldn't fit in. With most of the employees being vampires, he didn't know if the young wolfman would cause problems or not. But after the first month he was already familiar with everyone and although he kept a low profile he hardly ever talked about his personal life, excluding one incident a few months ago when Aj found out he had a boyfriend, he didn't know much about the young man, who was respectful to everyone on the staff and very good at his job which at the end of the day was what mattered to Aj.
- You were off yesterday right. ? - reminded the vampire.
Brigth nodded, avoiding speaking so as not to show any suspicious reaction.
First he noticed the change in Aj's tone and started paying more attention to the young man standing behind the counter.
- But you know him, don't you? - pressed Aj, playing green.
Brigth didn't know what was going on, he knew he couldn't tell the truth but lying would be a waste of time.
- What did he do?
- I don't know. - said Aj honestly, while smiling evilly - I only know that the boss wants to find him.
- I don't know him," Brigth said as firmly as possible.
First he could hear the wolf's heartbeat getting faster and faster even though his face showed not even a hint of nervousness.
Brigth knew they would know if he blatantly lied so he opted for a half-truth.
- I mean, I've seen him before, he came to the bar a few times but never drank anything. Just water. - he said, shrugging nonchalantly, "But I don't know his name or anything.
- Are you sure? - asked First approaching with his vampiric speed and surprising everyone.
- Yes sir. - answered Brigth
First stared at the wolf for a few seconds, clearly he was lying, very well but still lying, but why? First thought, looking away Aj, First nodded and left again towards the office.
- ok guys. - said Aj- let's get to work, soon this place will be packed. And keep an eye out in case the guy comes back, let me know right away, ok ?
Aj knocked a few more times to hurry the team along. He knew that First was not convinced so he decided to keep an eye on Brigth from now on and wait to see what would happen...

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