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For me it is ten minutes to midnight, which means that it is still Christmas. So here is my little gift for all of you. I promised two chapters this week and I am keeping my promise.But next week I will be traveling and I don't know if I will have time to write. So enjoy today's chapter and I promise to come back with more in January. DON'T FORGET TO COMMENT.

Merry christmas and happy new year beautiful people.

First he didn't know if he could hold on any longer, having that human's body so close to his was like heaven and hell together, and he wanted more

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First he didn't know if he could hold on any longer, having that human's body so close to his was like heaven and hell together, and he wanted more.

When he felt the smaller man's ass align with his erection and could hear the low moan he let out when he felt how hard he was it was his limit.

-- If you like comfort we'd better get out of here. - he practically growled the words in a serious tone into the smaller man's ear, feeling him shudder and turning him around to look into his eyes so that he understood how serious he was talking - Or I swear I'll have you right here on this floor.

Khao was trembling but not from fear but from excitement, he knew this wouldn't be a good idea, but after all he had been through earlier that day maybe going out with a vampire wouldn't be so bad, anyway he didn't care about the risks, not anymore.

-- Show the way - he replied, teasing the taller one with a little touch of lips.

First could barely feel his lips and they had already parted and damn how he wanted more, much more.

He grabbed the human's wrist and pulled him through the people, some of which again moved away when they noticed the dark look on the taller one's face. Soon they arrived at the VIP parking lot where First's car was.

Without saying anything else to each other they both sat in the black Lamborghini and drove off. The silence was causing a palpable tension inside the vehicle, if it was up to First he would have had the human in the club himself, there were special rooms in the back for just such purposes, but something told him that he wouldn't want anyone else to hear what he planned to do with the boy.

After a few minutes of awkward silence,  First began, trying to lighten the mood a bit and at the same time learn more about the little boy, he ask:

- You know, you still haven't told me your name?

Khao looked at him, he hadn't, telling him his real name could complicate things, even though he knew he would never get involved with him again, he still didn't want to give that information to one of the most powerful vampires in town.

-- Everyone calls me Akk.

He answered smiling, after all what he said was true, since everyone who knew him called him that, with the exception of his two best friends who knew his real name.

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