Chapter 76 - The New Part - Timer

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"So this is me" I shrug and stand awkwardly in front of Yeonjun.

He nods as he looks at the shop and the sign. He is not judging. He is observing. His eyes roam behind me, studying everything about the sign to the dim lights inside and the few customers still left to come out.

"This is a noodle shop" he states, confused.

"Yeah. My parents own it. We live in the apartment above" I say pointing at the window where you can see the light. My brother is probably inside the apartment, doing anything but studying.

"Hmm. Can I ask you something, if you don't mind?" he is still seated on the motorcycle. I nod, encouraging him to speak.

Ever since the phone call, things have been awkward between us. We did not speak the entire ride here sans me giving him directions to my place.

I don't even want to think what would have happened if Yeonjun did not get a call. I don't want to go there at all.

But it couldn't have just been me who was in that moment, right?

He leaned in too. There must have been something that he felt as well.

Would we have kissed, had it not been the call? Would he have pulled away anyway, coming to his senses? Would he have pulled me back if I had pulled away?

Would he...

Or was it all in my head and I was trying to come up with mindless explanations to justify what I felt at that time?

What did I feel?

Did his heart beat as fast as mine did? Did he also get butterflies? Was he obsessively thinking about it like I was?

Did he want to talk about that right now? What would he ask? What if it was something I did not have an answer to?

I could barely understand what was going on between us. I don't think I am in a position to answer if he asks me any questions regarding this.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath, bringing myself out of my head. I can dwell on it later when I am not around Yeonjun. I did not have to go into a monologue inside my head about him when he was two feet away from me.

"Why do you work so many part-time jobs when you can work for your family?" I laugh at his question and he waits patiently with a raised eyebrow.

"Well, I was not expecting this question" I am caught a little off guard at his question, given how I was mentally preparing myself to go through an interrogation regarding our almost kiss, maybe?

"Uh, well, I do help out at the shop. But I don't get paid here. I go through the other jobs so that I can earn money and save up a little on the way. Although Royals High is not cheap either so that requires money as well" I explain and he nods in thought.

"But aren't you on a scholarship?"

"Technically yes. My tuition is waived. But there are a lot of other things I need to pay for. The books, assignment notebooks, uniform, and more. And I cannot apply for a grant till I complete 1 year. I am only eligible for it if I keep my scores up, which I am hoping to do" I cross my fingers and he nods.

He seems to contemplate something. There is an awkward silence that befalls and I am sure, we're at the end of our journey for tonight so I decide to bid him goodbye.

"So, I am gonna head inside. See you at school" I turn around but he calls me back and I am ashamed at how quickly I turn to face him again. I pray my face is not alight with hope.

"Give me your number. So I can... call or text you in case of emergencies" he says sheepishly and hands me his phone.

"What emergencies?" I ask, even though I smile as I type my number into his cell and hand it back.

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