Chapter 30 - A New Friend

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He looks at me amusingly and a smile is tugging at his lips but he fights it.

"You find this funny now but wait till you have to write something like this. You'll understand my pain there" he huff in annoyance but there is still a floating smile on his lips to ensure that I haven't pissed him off.


"What is this song for?" I ask, trying to make a conversation.

Maybe it is because we are alone here or maybe this library is too welcoming to put me at ease but I want to talk to someone.

I have only talked to San today and the rest were conversations I just wanted to erase from my brain as well as existence.

I was not going to think about them again.

And this guy looked relatively harmless and inviting actually.

"A performance. Some fundraiser for the school and what not" he said irritated and the smile he had till now actually slipped from his lips, a scowl taking its place.

He looks dangerous when he is scowling.

I keep quiet.

"My band mates decided it would suit our image well to do a tragic teen song, given how everyone in this school is a hormonal teen" he shrugs and scribbles something in his notepad again.

"I mean, I don't understand the need for this fundraiser you know? The school already has enough money as it is. What's the use of wanting more?" he waives the pencil around in the air.

"I am curious about that too. I didn't know there were fundraises here" I say. What does this school need funds for?

"Same bullshit every year. Just a bunch of old rich assholes coming together to flaunt their wealth. That's it" he speaks with disdain lacing his voice.

"And why do I got to sing in front of some 200-something people all around their 60's who will never understand my songs anyway" he sighs exasperated and continues.

"Don't go then" I suggest.

He smiles ruefully at me and his eyes sparkle with something.

His eyes are captivating.

No Yuri, that's probably because of the contacts he's wearing.

"If only that were possible. If only" he sighs dejectedly.

He runs his hand through his hair, tousling it more.

"If only I could just binge eat the greasy hamburger and cold fries from my favorite takeout place and do a fast and furious marathon with my friends instead of going to this shitshow wearing my best dress and nibble on finger foods all night long, hoping for my death" he voice strained as if he wanted to curse.

"I mean, you could do that afterward, maybe?" I suggest, not knowing what else to say.

I have no idea what kind of conversation we are having right now but at least I am happy that I am talking to someone normal here for a change.

Thought the term normal is very subjective.

"Will you be coming to this as well?" he asks, his eyes zeroing in on me.

"I have yet to hear about this fundraiser you're talking about. So maybe not" I shrug.

"Trust me you're not missing out on anything" he smiles ruefully and winks at me, his head resting on the shelves.

I am not sure whether he is this open to everyone he meets for the first time or is it just the atmosphere in the library that makes him so honest.

Maybe I give off an aura of a good listener.

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