Chapter 49 - Promise? Promise

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By the time I came out of the washroom, Soobin was snoring.

Thank god, I could at least get him to sleep.

But No Thanks to God for making Soobin puke on my sweatshirt before deciding to pass out.

I had put Soobin on a bed in a room he told me to be his and then wiped his face and shirt and even though his drunk ass insisted on taking it off I made sure he had clothes on while he lay on his bed.

I wasn't sure what he was trying to do but he was annoying me.

I was kind of glad he finally passed out because he didn't want to let go of my hand after puking. All over me.

I was not only angry at Soobin for ruining my sweatshirt but now also unsure to leave the room because I was in my jeans and Hive uniform.

But then again I had ruined his clothes before so it was equal now. I just wish it didn't happen when half the most elite people and future heirs to the conglomerates were downstairs.

I know I am.

I mean everyone was drunk here. I think only San and I are the sober people here.

On that note, where is San exactly? It's been a while since I saw him.

And I smell of puke still. It is nauseating.

I don't think Soobin will mind if I borrow one of his t-shirts right?

His t-shirts will be too large on me anyway given his build. And what am I thinking borrowing clothes from one of the Royals?!

I must be out of my mind.

This was a mistake from the start. I shouldn't have come here and I shouldn't have been swayed by Beomgyu. Look at me now with my uniform soiled with puke and a headache begin to form at my temples.

I can't keep wearing this because the smell is getting to me even though I tried to wash the vomit off my clothes as much as possible but at this rate, I might puke as well.

Screw it.

He can get mad at me if he wants but I need to wear another shirt.

I open his closet and I am not sure what I was expecting but what is see in front of me definitely wasn't that. I kind of expected a grandiose walk-in closet or some big closet with thousands of branded clothing but this was a small closet.

Definitely bigger than mine but an average closet with multiple racks with barely folded overflowing t-shirts and jeans with a small section of the closet having a rod for hangers.

"Huh," I muse. I hear Soobin moaning and turn back to see him turn and then snore again. I quickly pick out a plain white T-shirt, making sure there is no designer brand label on it.

"Soobin, I am borrowing a shirt from you, okay? I'll buy you a new one" I whisper near him even though the chances of him listening or understanding me are less. He might not even remember meeting me or our entire encounter tomorrow morning.

I would prefer it that way actually. It will save a lot of uncomfortable conversations and explanations.

"Don't go yet. It's too early" he mumbles with his eyes still closed as he turns towards me in his sleep. His mouth forms a pout and looks like a small boy rather than a near adult, much less someone who is bound to probably rule half of Korea when he takes over the family business.

"Soobin, sleep. We'll talk tomorrow. Alright? When you are sober and I don't smell of vomit" I half joke.

"You don't call me. Ever" his eyes are still closed and his words are slurred. Like he is on the brink of sleep but is struggling to keep his consciousness.

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