Chapter 5 - Strawberry Shortcake

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I quickly pull out my phone from my back pocket and try to decline the call. My stupid, good-for-nothing metal box decides to hang.

It keeps ringing.

I try to press my thumb against the speaker, hoping it will dull down the ringing sound.

Why does this stuff happen to me?

Why couldn't I just wait here without any problems or interruptions and just dump the garbage after they went away?

Better yet, why couldn't I just have been here alone?

Why did that couple have to be here?


God really hates me.

First I had to deal with that sleazy guy at the chicken shop. Then the girl I was tutoring came 23rd in her class and her mother made me listen to an earful. Then I had to work an extra hour at the Hive for free and now this?

Why me?

Why doesn't anything go smoothly in my life?

By the time I am able to cut the call , my phone turns off all together.


Just Great.

This is what I needed right now.

At least the ringing stopped. I was afraid that it will be loud enough to gather attention from the couple at the end of the alley.

I sigh and lean against the wall just to get a breather.

I close my eyes for a minute. I don't hear any sound. They must have already left before they heard the sound of my phone or maybe they didn't care.

Either way, I am relieved.

The light in front of me is blocked.

I open my eyes slowly, afraid of who it might be. I have two guesses right now and I don't know who I want it to be.

Do I want to face the bitch girl who probably is an emotional mess right now and extremely volatile?

Or do I want to face the guy who, although extremely handsome gave off a really bad vibe. Plus he was probably a cheat and really cruel to the girl.

I am at loss either way. Might as well just get it over with.

I open my eyes.

I look at the ground in front of me, still crouched, my knees still hurting.

I can't look at their face just yet.

A pair of shining dark combat boots stare back at me. I am sure if there was enough light around here, I would be able to see my reflection on the shoes.


A splosh of light pink liquid falls on the shoe and it is enough to break my haze and I scurry away from the figure, falling on my butt in the process.

From where I half-lie, half sit on the dirty ground, supporting myself on my elbows, my eyes meet his.

He would have looked dangerous with his glare and angry expression if half of his face wasn't covered with a strawberry milkshake.

Right now he just looks comical.

The pink of his hair was only slightly darker than the pink of the milkshake. Small pieces of strawberry stuck to his cheek and chin, dripping down in thick splosh.

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