Chapter 4 - Ring Ring Ring

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The girl slapped him. Should I call someone? The police maybe?

This matter was definitely not getting solved soon.

I lean against the wall and slip down, crouching to give my leg some much-needed rest.

I am guessing it will take some time till this gets resolved.

I am too hungry and too tired to deal with this but I have to put the garbage in the bin before I finally lock up.

But I also don't want to eavesdrop on this bickering. It seems like I am invading their privacy. I don't mean to, but to an outsider, that's exactly what I am doing.

Well, I am not here by choice.

I need to do my work and as soon as they go away, I'll just drop the garbage where it should be and be on my way.

"You are so pathetic. I waited for you the entire summer. Even when you didn't text me or call me every day, I still accepted it. I didn't want to be clingy. I wanted to give you your space. And this is what I get in return?" the girl yells at the top of her lungs.

Her tone is changing. A moment ago, she was pleading, and now she is angry.

I don't know what went on between them but I just wish, they could take their conversation elsewhere, somewhere more private.

Well, I guess they assumed that the alley would be a private place, given how late it was but still.

"When I wasn't answering your calls or text, shouldn't you have gotten the hint already?" the man asks calmly and I hear dull thuds. Most probably the girl hitting the guy's chest or arm.

I feel the tone change in the guy's voice as well.

These are his first word after the slap. I understand he is angry but I hope he doesn't do anything irrational. I really do not want to get involved in their mess.

Even as I say I don't want any involvement, I am getting more and more curious with each sentence exchanged.

It is as if I am listening to a k-drama radio show.

I want to put faces to the voices for a better experience but I stop myself. There is absolutely no need for me to do that.

I am just here because I need to take out the trash. I don't need to see who those people are.

Absolutely not.

Even as I repeat those words in my head, my body starts crawling on the pavement, careful not to even let my shadow be seen as I move to the corner of the wall to just peek my head out.

I know I am giving major creep vibes but I am curious.

The girl has her back to me so I can't tell who she is or what she looks like but I see the guy.

The streetlight is in the perfect position to shed just enough light at an angle that the entire face of the guy is visible to me.

I almost let out a gasp.

It is that guy.

The handsome guy.

His pink hair is shining under the street light and it has come undone from the ponytail he had. Now it frames his heart-shaped face. His eyebrows are knit together and his lips are stretched in a thin line.

Anyone can tell he is annoyed.

"Yah Choi Yeonjun! How can you do this to me? We were supposed to be engaged when you came back. What will I tell my friends? What will I tell my family?" the girl breaks down in sobs. So that's what the name of the guy is.

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