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Thank you for choosing this story. I hope you like it. I really wanted to write this story for so long but I kept putting it off and now it is finally here.

There will be drama, there will be laughs, there will be scenes that will make you teary-eyed, and of course, there will be love. Cute love. Angsty love. Friendly love. You get the idea.

There will also be times when you'll feel like slapping the characters for their stupid decisions but hey, that's required for the plot. Can't help it.

I am still in process of writing the story chapter by chapter so I am not sure how long the story is going to be but I hope you stick around for the ride.

Also, I just want to put a disclaimer - this is a work of fiction. I am a fan. 

TXT inspires me and like many fans, I feed into my fantasies by creating these stories. There will be times when the characters portrayed by the artists in this book will have similarities to their real-life self and there will be times when it doesn't.  This is because I need some muse to base off the characters from. 

Hence, please refrain from harsh comments, and let's enjoy this story together. 

So enough with my rant. Without further ado, here's a short clip from the story to give you a little gist of what's to come. 

Let me know what you think of it.


Drip. A splash of light pink liquid falls on the shoe and it is enough to break my haze and I scurry away from the figure, falling on my butt in the process.

From where I half-lie, half sit on the dirty ground, supporting myself on my elbows, my eyes meet his. He would have looked dangerous with his glare and angry expression if half his wasn't covered with a strawberry milkshake.

Right now he just looks comical. The pink of his hair is only slightly darker than the pink of the milkshake. Small pieces of strawberry stuck to his cheek and chin, dripping down in thick splosh. His shirt and jacket are ruined. I hope it doesn't leave a stain.

A small chuckle leaves my lips involuntarily. The guy takes a step forward in my direction and all humor is lost from me and I scramble to get on my feet. I don't know who this guy is but I know I don't want to be alone with him in the alley.

"Were you listening in on my conversation? Were you recording it?" he snatches away my phone. I try to grab it back but he is too quick to raise his hand above his head, making it impossible for my short stature to reach it.

"Yah! Give it back. I wasn't recording your conversation. Why would I record it? Do you take me for a creep?" I ask and huff as I try to jump in a vain effort to get my phone from his hand. He tries to turn it on but fails. I chuckle internally.

He studies my metal block like it is an alien communication device. I don't blame him. This is a really old model and chances are he doesn't know to operate it. I am thankful for that. I know if I turn on my phone, my mother will call again. I don't want to receive the call around him.

"Well, you are dressed like a homeless person and were on your knees on the dirty ground, spying on other people's conversation. If the shoe fits..." he shrugs and looks at me.

"No, the shoe doesn't fit. I am a worker here at the cafe -" I say pointing at the yellow t-shirt underneath my brown jacket. He notices it and puts his hand down. I grab the cell phone quickly. He doesn't fight me. Thankfully.

"Doesn't it? Are you a stalker?" he injects me and I ball my fists. I am losing my patience with this guy. Can I at least tell my side? I take a deep breath.

"I was locking up. I needed to take out the garbage but when I came here you two were already here. I didn't want to interfere but I couldn't just leave the garbage here. I would get in trouble tomorrow with the manager if I did. So I decided to stay put in hopes that your quarrel will end soon. I just wanted to dump the garbage in its designated place" I let out a long after saying it all in one go.

He tilts his head to the side and studies me. Again, if this was another situation I probably would have felt intimidated but right now it is different. He still has strawberry milkshake all over him and he smells strongly of strawberry as well.

"And why should I believe you? And is that even a phone or something else?" he asks with an expression that one would make when they eat something extremely sour. I protectively cover my phone, as if covering its ears, protecting it from the insult.

"Yes, it is a phone. And you don't have to believe me. I know I am telling the truth" I shrug but inside I am freaking out. Please believe me. He looks dangerous. I don't know. He wear a similar uniform to Royals High but he wasn't wearing a tie and instead of a blazer he is wearing this leather jacket.

Don't all the bad guys in the movies wear leather jackets? I instinctively take a step back from him and his eyes narrow at me.

"If you're thinking of running, know that I have much longer legs than you and will catch you" he warns and his voice holds a threat of a promise. What did I get myself into?


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