Chapter 44 - The Choi Brothers

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"I'll tell you if you tell me" I try to make a deal.

"Tell you what?" she eyes me suspiciously.

"Tell me about who the Royals are" I challenge her.

Every time I tried bringing up the topic to anyone, everyone shuts down. It's like a taboo topic to discuss them. And I have been repeatedly told to stay away from the students in leather jackets but I don't even know how many of them are there.

Till now I have only seen 5 of them sporting the leather jacket. I wanted to know who else wore them and what was their significance.

Why was it such a big deal to sit next to them and why do people always eye me when I am talking to Soobin and so many more questions?

"We are Royals. The students at Royals High" she smiles.

"You know what I mean. The Royals. The one with the leather jackets instead of the blazers" I counter.

If she wants to know information from me, I need something from her.

And I know if anyone's willing to give me any information about the Royals, it would be Saehi. If I said San was weary of the Royals, Saehi is wearier.

"What's there to know about?" She feigns disinterest.

"People treat them differently. And I am not sure how many are there like them. And why do they get different treatments? I mean I know one is the future inheritor of the Choi Group but who are the rest? There's always so much animosity about them" I throw my hands up in exasperation.

Saehi sighs. "It's not that I don't want to tell you, it's just they are not that interesting people."

"See it's like everyone knows but there's this unspoken rule about not speaking of them like they are Voldemort. What is going on?" Saehi opens her mouth to say something but I raise my hand to stop her.

"You might be a lot of things but you're not a good liar" I call her out on her bullshit. She smiles at me.

"You know, for a smart girl, you're really stupid but who am I to judge you?" she shrugs and gets up from her seat.

I am offended by her statement and I think she understands it from my expression.

"I don't know how much you know about them, if at all but any sane person would run the other way given how many rumors surround them" her laugh floats in my direction as a whisper, mocking my stupidity.

I would lie if I said, my gut feeling didn't scream to get me away from Yeonjun again and again, and yet somehow, I have been interacting with him the most out of all the Royals I have encountered as of now.

"Come on, let's take a walk. I'll give you your answers there but on the way, you tell me your story" she promises.

I don't question her and quickly pack up my things in the library and follow her lead.

She looks at me expectantly as we start walking in the direction of the student activity centre.

"Why do you have a key to the locked terrace of this building?" I ask when she expertly turns a key hidden on top of the door frame into the keyhole, opening the door to the terrace.

We are at the last building in the activity centre. I have never even been to this building before so I wasn't sure what sports or activities were allotted here.

However, the view from the terrace here gave a complete overview of the school. The building was at the end corner, giving me a clear look at every other building on the campus.

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