" Yes Aman Uncle... She's wasting money. The place isn't all that dirty, look! I could just clean everything in like 30 minutes. That money could feed some families out there." Little payal muttered the last statement under her breath so payal wouldn't hear her.

For the first time payal stared at little payal in disbelief. This was the first time she disagrees with her.

" Really? Then why didn't you stop me when I tried calling." she challenged

"I tried opening my mouth but you shush me remember? So I kept quiet" she shrugged.

"Its already been through so there's nothing I can do about it." she said to little payal who just nods at her reluctant.

Aman and Shyam were smiling at the duo bickering. Just then they heard a sound of a car. Payal smirked.

"Hello my name is Sana. I was the one you called. I think it would be done in like 1 hour, so we would like you guys to step out." she said politely. They understood and was leaving.

Sana didn't understand what was wrong with the young girl who was throwing daggers at her. She didn't know what she did to Receive such treatment.

Little payal couldn't believe her ears when Sana said it would take an hour like seriously? The place isn't that dirty. She mentally rolled her eyes.

They were all seated in the Cafe next door. Shyam was going through some files in his phone while Aman was talking on his phone.

30 minutes later

"Aren't we done. There's no work again." someone said.

"I told them an hour so we have to be here for 30 minutes again before we leave." Sana said.

"I  don't understand rich people. Waste money when there's no much dirt." she frowned.

"I think we should just leave to safe our time. Because I have an urgent matter to turn to." Another suggested. They just sighed and came out.

Little payal frowned when she saw them.

"Thanks for the service. You are dismissed." Payal said sternly using her Naagin tone which made them shiver at her blunt and cold voice. They said nothing and walked to their van and left.

"The Tools are being shipped. They would be here tomorrow morning. So I think that's all for the day. Aman thanks once again." Payal said. Aman just smiled.

He hugged Shyam and ruffle little payal's hair. Before leaving. Arnav sent his car to him.

Shyam, Payal dropped  little payal off and went home.

They saw Arshi in their own world. Arnav was feeding khushi. She was blushing at his stares. They seemed not to notice them. Shyam smiled before coughing, that made them turn.

"Oh you are home. How did it go?" Arnav asked as he was feeding khushi.

"Good." Shyam said and narrates everything that happened. Khushi stared at Payal. Payal read her expression, how could you?. Payal just sighed.

"I'm tired. I need to sleep. Arnav could you cross check the items before it arrives." Payal said walking to their room but she stop and glared at Arnav when he asked her a question.

"Did you pay for it? Because I'm not paying. You have more money than I do." Arnav teased and Payal glared at him.

"For fuck sake we you stop with the money issues?"she said annoyed at how he always rub it on her face.

" You were paid at a young age till you retired, and let us not forget the huge amount of money people paid you just to free them. The gift card and so on and so forth to which you never use because you never bought anything . So I wouldn't try to even use a dime to buy a cardboard in your stall. Get that? "he teased and she removed her sandals and aim at Arnav. It hit his cheeks lightly.

" Are you okay Arnav. "Khushi asked and Arnav nodded, she glared at payal.

" Payal!get your ass here. "Shyam warned. She tried to resist but the look he gave her was enough for her to bring herself to him to which arshi was surprised.

" Apologize. "he said and payal was not happy.

" But.. "she tried

" No... do it. "he glared at her.

" Sorry Arnav. "she said and Shyam glared again. Meaning it was the wrong way.

" I'm sorry for throwing my sandals at you. "she said and Shyam sighed.

" Okay. "Arnav said trying not to sound too surprised but his voice betrayed him. He was shocked payal obeyed Shyam without know fuss and he realized Shyam didn't care who she really was, to him she is payal.

Payal left there and Shyam smiled. He knew she was upset but he had to stop her childish behavior.

"I got a call from our partners. Things have started taking place. So the project has started smoothly for now." Shyam inform and Arnav nodded.

"Thanks for earlier." Arnav really appreciated it.

"Oh it's nothing. She has grown to do things on her own and acted on her nerves without thinking. So I'm just gradually trying to change her aspect of thinking but not completely."Shyam said and Arnav nodded in understanding.

"Good luck." Arnav whispered. Shyam smiled at him. He walked to khushi and whispered something into her ears and she nods before blushing. He winked at her and left laughing.

"What did he say to you?" Arnav asked curious.

"He asked for a date with me tomorrow. Only the two of us, siblings." she said and Arnav was quite.

"It's that all?" he was waiting for another explanation.

"That! You don't need to know." she said and blushed again. She took a tissue and wet it with the glass of water on the table before shyly cleaning the lipstick marks on his neck and Arnav laughed wholesome.

"I must say, your bhai is an expert." he said laughing and khushi pinched his nipples through his shirt.

"Baby. I would like you to do it with your tongue what's say?" he teased and khushi glared at him.

"No sex remember?" she teased and Arnav frowned.

"There are types of sex. I don't mean the one the doctor said." he winked and khushi blushed.

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