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Khushi woke up early and did her business. She came out wearing a red saree with her kumkum on her forehead. She tapped Arnav lightly and he woke up with a frown.

"What the Khushi , why you up early." He groaned. "It's 4:00am Khushi." He said annoyed with her giggles.

"We need to start our plan. Please go wash up. I would be waiting." She said and Arnav was fuming inside. He got up and walked to the bathroom like a living dead.

"I'm gonna pay you back." He muttered under his breath and Khushi giggled.

She waited patiently till he was done. Khushi looked up. Arnav was in his casuals.

"Shall we." He muttered and took his phone. Khushi quietly followed him.

"I informed Sidiq about our adventure so the housekeeper would take care of his needs." He spoke to Khushi who was slightly nervous.

They got into Arnav jeep and he drove to the east wing. They got down and Khushi was awed by it. Flowers, all kinds in the yard. A pool.

"Welcome sir." Security guard bowed and Arnav nodded. He led Khushi inside and place was quiet.

"I thought by now they would be awake." Khushi said and Arnav rolled his eyes.

"Eight in the morning, that's the time they wake up Khushi. Don't worry let me show you to the kitchen and go." He said annoyed.

Khushi was awed by their modern and exquisite kitchen.

"Woh.." that's the only thing she was able to say.

"So be at home and let me do some work." He left her and Khushi thought. What food do they like. She doesn't know so let's start. That's why she came early. She checked the time 5:30 am.

"Hi." A lady startled Khushi she almost jump.

"I'm sorry madam, sir asked me to guide you in the kitchen." She informed and Khushi nodded.

"Errm my name aventika, I worked here for like 10 years." She informed and Khushi nodded.

"Khushi." She introduced. "So were are your spices and vegetables?" She politely asked and aventika smiled and showed her.

Khushi worked in the kitchen gracefully like she own it. Since she doesn't know what their favorite food she prepared variety incase they don't like the others.

Arnav was busy working in the living room with his laptop and making calls here and there but the funny part was that none of the RAIZADA's were up at 7:00 am.

Khushi decided to lay the dining table and brought out the dishes with the help of a aventika. She cleaned the kitchen and washed all the dirty utensils she used plus the stove and kept away all things in their rightful place before washing her hands and joining Arnav.

"Work?" She asked and all Arnav responded was a nod.

Just then they heard a loud gasped. They both turned their heads to see Anjali staring at Arnav as if she has seen a ghost.

"Urgent everyone, please come down. I think I'm seeing a ghost." She screamed , that woke others up. Everyone came down worried. Arnav and Khushi were relaxed on the couch looking at her with bored expression.

"Arnav?... What?" Dadi was surprised to see Arnav. Arnav had never in his life sat in their wing for 30 minutes and by the look of things he had been here for a while now.

"Hello hi bye bye! What's the occasion." Manorama asked just then everyone attention went to the dining table.

"What's all this?" Anjali asked Dadi who had no idea.

"Aventika? What's with the occasion? I never asked you to cook for us that much?" Dadi got a little bit pissed.

"I didn't cook any dish mam." She whispered.

"Then who did? Cause the last time I check you are the one in charge of the kitchen." She got irritated.

"Khushi mam." She answered and Dadi frowned.

"Who's that one to? I don't remember having any Khushi in my family." She said and aventika frowned.

"ASR's wife." She finally said and their heads now turned to were Arnav was sitting and saw a lady sitting beside him with her one hand entwined with his and Dadi scoffed. How the hell did she forget about the Lucknow girl. He told Arnav to bring her this morning to cook for the family. How could she forget. She graoned.

"Namaske." Khushi folded her hands and greeted. Arnav never spoke just doing his work.

"How come you came without informing me. You could have announced your presence when you arrived. I could have shown you to the kitchen." Dadi said to Khushi who definitely noticed the sarcasm well in her tone.

"Dadi I came here 4:30 am ." She said and everyone gasped. Dadi was surprised.

"Arnav informed me about it so woke him at 4:00am to bring here even though he was sulking." She giggled

"Khushi!" Arnav warned and she giggled. The family took notes of that.

"Arnav said you don't wake up till 8:00am so he called Mrs aventika to help me around with the kitchen. Please sit everyone the food might get cold." She spoke in her usual soft voice.

As if her voice was a nectar that attracted bees. They all say in their respective seats.

"I have no idea what you liked or dislike so I made oatmeal, fried egg, scrambled eggs, omelette. I do not know your preferences. Tea , sweet and bitter coffee. Toasted bread. Sausages and I made fruit juice and fruit salad. I made vegetable salad with olive oil. Here is  rice and curry and I added roti and last thing fresh milk." She finished and Nani just stared at Khushi and nodded. Dadi was perplexed.

"You made that in two and halve hours?" Anjali asked in disbelief. "Mere salad I learned took me an hour." She muttered.

Akash was looking at Khushi like he could eat her up.

"Thanks for the meal bhabhi." Nk said and started serving his food without waiting for others.

Everyone ate in silence. Shyam eyed Khushi not in a bad way. When everyone was done Khushi took the dirty dishes and washed them all, discard the discardable and kept the left over into the fridge.

"Arnav! Shall we." Khushi whispered and the family looked at them. He nodded and Khushi took his laptop and Arnav just nodded to them and left with his wife.

"Oh my goodness. I like her cooking Dadi. Why don't you let her be cooking for us." Anjali said excitedly and Shyam rolled his eyes.

"Have you forgotten she's Arnav's wife?" She said and Anjali sulked. "I'm even surprised he agreed to bring her. I never think he would agree that was why I was relaxing and knew they wouldn't come. All my life stay in this wing Arnav had never come to this wing for long not alone sit comfortable to work whilst his wife cooks for fucking three hours. This is a new Arnav. A new Arnav and I definitely know is the doing of the cursed girl in Lucknow. Let's see how we all play the game together." She said and smirked.

UNLUCKY ME! LUCKY ME.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu