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Arnav pulled a chair for khushi to sit. She mouth a thank you, the waiter arrived for their orders.

"What would you have Mr and Mrs Asr." They waiter spoke politely although the duo could sense his legs shaking.

"Steak...roasted  Potatoes..water."Arnav answered staring at him to intimidate him.

" I would have cheese pasta and chicken salad.. Water. Thank you. "Khushi spoke softly to ease the tension.

The waiter quickly took note and dash away.

" Why are you so bossy everywhere."Khushi scolded Arnav..

"Because I'm Asr." he said khushi kicked him under the table.

"Ouch baby." he pouted... Khushi smiled at his pouted lips. She inched closer and gently squeeze them.

"Khushi." he said sternly.

"Cute."Khushi laughed. Arnav was about to react when the waiter arrived with their orders. He placed them gently on the table avoiding any form of spilling because he needs his head.

" Thanks. "Khushi thank him. He just smiled and left.

Khushi digged in. She moaned at the taste of her food and Arnav looked at her weirdly.

" What? "she raised her brow and he nodded a no.

" Can I taste your food please. "she was curious.

" of course. "he cut the steak into bits and placed them into her plate, he took 2spoons of his potatoes in her plate. Khushi frowned.

" What's wrong baby. Isn't it enough? Should I call them to give you more. "he asked and she smiled.

" No silly. I'm worried I took your food. "she said and Arnav chuckled.

" I'm full anyways.. If you like we can order dessert. "he added, khushi smirked.

"Don't worry baby.. I'm your dessert." she winked at him and Arnav almost choked on his water.

"Khushi!" he stared at her and gulped. Khushi licked her lips teasingly and Arnav gulped.

"Would you please stop." he pleaded. She just smirked. She traced the her legs on his under the table and Arnav pleaded with her with his and khushi giggled.

Khushi enjoyed Arna's misery. She smirked. Just then Arnav heard a familiar voice.

"ASR." Mr Anush walked towards the table.

Arnav quickly rose up. He quickly shake hands with him.

"I saw you come in with this beauty. I was wondering who she was because she made you show your emotions until I saw her forehead." he smiled at khushi.

"Please meet my wife, Khushi Singh Raizada." he introduced and khushi politely shook hands with him.

Mr. Ali stared at khushi with his lust full gaze with got noticed by khushi. She felt uncomfortable.

Arnav insisted on them joining his table. He finally gave in.

" I learnt you are from Lucknow right?" Mr Anush started a conversation, khushi smiled.

"Yes please.. I was born and raised there. I moved out of there when I got married to Arnav." she said politely.

"I see." he nodded his head. Arnav and Mr Anush were engaged in their own talks. Khushi was bored and took out her phone to entertain herself.

UNLUCKY ME! LUCKY ME.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon