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"Hey.. Are you busy." Arnav asked payal through the phone to which she  laughed.

"We are all under one roof. Why calling me. If you need me, you know we're I am." she playfully said which made arnav chuckled.

"Madam answer my question. Shyam might be with you.. You know what I'm talking about." he teased and laughed.

"Let's meet  on the rooftop."  payal disconnected the call. She kissed sleeping Shyam cheeks before leaving.

Khushi wasn't asleep, she heard his call. She wondered  what they would be talking about.


"Do you need something?" she asked and Arnav immediately hugged her. She wasn't surprised. He stroke her back gently.

"I know you are bottling everything up little one. You shouldn't be strong with this. This isn't about a strategy to kill an enemy or something to crack your brain. It's about you, be positive. Prepare yourself for whatever outcome. If it doesn't work keep trying. It shall one day work. So don't overstress yourself okay. " He whispered and  payal started hiccuping whilst tears were running down her eyes uncontrollable.

Arnav pulled out first. He looked at her lovely. He kissed her forehead. Cleaned her tears with his thumbs.

" I care for you. I love you. And I know when something is bothering you. I can see through you. Just as the way you care for me okay. We gave our promise to dad, never to leave each other no matter our circumstances. We must stay together." His voice was low and payal could see his emotions clearly. She nodded with tears in her eyes.

He held her hand and sat on the floor. The place was quiet for 15 minutes. None of them spoke until payal spoke.

" You know. Dad thought we could be together and got us engaged at early stage so we wouldn't separate." payal said which earned a chuckle from Arnav.

"Our fights encouraged him into such lousy ideas. I remember him saying.." "it's couple flights, that's how couples end up together." Arnav added.

"He made sure I never liked anyone in the mansion except you to be able to fall inlove with you and I did." payal said and Arnav gasp.

"What the hell.. Payal." this was the first time arnav heard it from her.

"I really did.. When you were bringing girls day in day out made me jealous, I sometimes threatened them or scare them away so they wouldn't show their face to you."

"Unbelievable." Arnav just stared at her surprised.

"Remember when we mistakenly kissed. That moment that I knew I was fucked up because I didn't feel any spark. And I realized what I felt for you was pure sibling bond not lovers. When I met my first love that I understood what sparks was. Touching his hand alone sent electricity through my body. I knew that was love and when I was to start afresh they killed him. That's why I killed them to avenge his death. " she said smiling and Arnav smiled.

" I'm glad your little crush was over before I met my khushi.. " he sighed heavily.

" Erhhh.. My baby is whipped. " she teased.

" So do you love Shyam sincerely or you just wanted a try and error.?"  Arnav finally asked the  question hovering around him ages ago.

" When I met him. I slightly liked him. And it went further and I fell in love with him. It came to a time I couldn't be in the same room with him because I couldn't control my hormones." when she said that Arnav laughed at her.

"I'm serious, Anjali became so annoying to me that I nearly destroyed our hardwork plan. I wanted to kill her fast and make Shyam mine. You know sometimes I intentionally provoke her to feel jealous. You know one day I was cleaning his room when he came out of shower. He didn't know I was there. When I saw his body my eyes turned darker. That day if that anjali didn't knock on the day like if she had come five minutes late I would have remove his towel and bend my pussy for him. "she said dreamly and arnav smack her head.

" Ouch.. Moron. "she spat.

" You are with me and you don't have shame. Talking about how you want to ravish my brother in law. "he ruffled her hair.

" And what's wrong with it. Haven't I run into you countless time fucking those random girls. " she asked and arnav smacked her head.

" You.! "she pointed her finger annoyed at him. Arnav smiled at her. At least his mind its at ease now.

Two human beings walked back to their respective room thinking about what they heard.

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