chapter 23 "disturbing secrets in the night"

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It felt like some kind of impending doom weighing down on my shoulders the longer this took, seconds felt like decades.

Once I heard the click I moved as fast and as quietly as I could manage.

The relief I felt was like a high rushing into me, quickly stopping as I got back into mission mode.

Slipping out the door and closing it quietly.

Just as I had hoped, someone had left a torch out on one of the benches, a foolish mistake for them but a blessing for me.

I grabbed it.

I immediately made my way over to the treeline, getting as much coverage as possible and I didn't slow down for anything, I needed to get as far away and as down wind as possible before the next patrol came around.

My heart was thumping in my chest but I did my best to keep my cool.

I didn't turn the torch on until I was certain I was far enough away, relying mostly on the limited moonlight I had and just general instinct.

That's not to say I didn't get poked in the face, legs, chest and all over basically from branches, bushes and fallen logs.

Absolutely worth it though.

I was not rushing and risking giving my position away, not when I was this close.

I waited before I clicked it on, Illuminating the dense forest.

Having the light of the torch was a game changer, making it easier to see where I was going at least, I just hoped no one would notice me from the light.

It was pretty cold tonight, and these tight clothes weren't exactly the warmest, but they'd do for now.

My heart was aching as it pounded in my chest, the feeling felt tight and heavy, it hurt, really bad actually. I had to slow down and stop by an oak tree to catch my breath. I didn't recognise this feeling but it made me feel almost guilty.

Guilty that I had run off and left Damien and the pack, but I had no reason to feel guilty...I shouldn't be guilty!

Some areas got really thick and hard to get through so I had no time to think about weird feelings while I was literally on the run, I was worried about wasting even a second and getting caught again.

Every noise in the distance had me almost jumping out of my skin, terrified it was a wolf, I was definitely way jumpier than I expected to be, but I guess I had full right to be overly nervous.

~~~~~~2 hours later~~~~~~

I finally decided to rest for a little bit after going for what felt like an hour or two, I didn't have a watch so I didn't exactly know.

I stopped with the outskirts of the city off in the distance, still a few miles away, I had stopped in an old abandoned building, catching my breath.

My guess was it used to be a country home but it was long forgotten, still provided some cover for me and a place to rest and sit down, I hated the spiders though.


I sat myself down in an old woven chair by a small round table, left frozen in time.

My chest ached with that same unfamiliar kind of tight pain. It made me feel guilty and almost alone. I felt out of breath and I was shivering, I was definitely going to catch a cold.

I was hoping Damien had kept his word and no one knew who I was still so I could walk into the city and simply make my way up to a phone booth and call Robin like I had done after my embarrassing one night stand.

The Alphas rebellious Mate.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu