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Jamin pov :

I don't know what got over me that I started to get rude with her over small things. I was being jerk I know but I can't even help myself when I specially saw her with him that guy secretly holding her hands or whether it was that guy dropping her home. I don't know but I thinks it better for me to be a jerk at least she will remember me. It was last day which was going to end with a concert. For last 2 days it was hard to not to see her or not to talk to her. I just want to punch that guy who is beside her. He doesn't even give me a chance to get near her. Like he should what do you expect after being so rude to her that day. She gave you right name you are jerk. My inner voice taunted. But I can't see her with that guy. I can't stand his face specially when I saw her blushing around him. My blood boils when I see that guy around her but what can I even say except for being a jerk and watch her walking away with that guy. See again my eyes are searching for her eyes in this crowd. I can't go a day without seeing her now. I was again finding her in crowd only to see her again with that guy. She was alone with him and was laughing when was the time she laughed like this with me. Never she was never like with me, and I know she will never do this with me. In her eyes I'm a jerk who stole her position and is rude. They both look happy together and like a real couple so perfect for each other. I started to stare at her with sadness in my eyes when I saw her looking at me. Even though that guy was saying something to her she was still looking at me here. But again, like yesterday she got out and I was again left alone with longingness for her.

After fest was over I never saw her again in college. I even went to that market, but I can't even get a glimpse of her. I even waited for her every day in college. I attended lecture but she was nowhere to show up. Soon it was exam time and I thought I will see her there, but we literally had different classes. I was losing my damm mind. I couldn't see for 2 weeks, couldn't hear her bickering and silly things and couldn't see her smiling. Why did I fuck up so bad. I was waiting here every day and even during exams I couldn't get to see her. Not seeing her these few days made me feel like I was lost at sea. Since when she got so important to me. No I should focus on exam and not on her. She is never important to me. These feelings will go away soon. I should be rude to her so that she will also not talk to me and mess up my mind again.

I started to focus again on my studies and soon exams were over. I was going back to my normal routine and even hide that scarf by her. I locked everything that reminded me of her and started to focus and did things which I didn't expected. Today I had to go to college to submit assignments. I was going with my straight face which I usually kept and was walking in the same corridor where I first met her by bumping into her. I was lost in her memories when I didn't even realize I again bumped into someone. She was going to fall but before she could I catch her. It was her after 1 month I'm seeing her again and at same place and her falling again. If she could for fall for me the same way and that time I won't even catch her. Oh god just how much I missed her. Her voice, her eyes, her bickering with me, if I could sink and drown and die in those eyes. I missed her so much and finally now she is my arms again.

" Yahh leave me did you hit your head or something?" Her voice brought me back to world, the world with her talking to me, fighting with me and when I had this smile crept on my face I didn't realize. This smile always was because of her, and it will be now always because of her.

" Fucking jerk" I heard and soon felt pain in my face.

" What the - Did you just slap me?" I asked shock but touching area where she touched me.

" Yes you fucking jerk it's for last time and for now." She said was walking in opposite side. So does that mean she is not angry anymore? I gave my assignments to my friend and told him to submit on my behalf and went running behind her. She was alone today that was a rare case specially with those 2 guys and her friends not wandering around today. I went to her and was walking beside her silently till she realized it's me.

She looked at me from her side eye and got startled by my presence and was gonna hit me but i just stopped her hands. We both were looking at each other like there was no other person in the room.

" Yah do you want another slap or what?" I heard her saying. Oh girl you don't know how much you can hit me or do anything you want to do just so that atleast you will talk to me, I can just see you even if it means getting hit by you.

"Sorry I will leave you only after you hear me out." I said and she looked at before nodding.

"Okay so I want to apologize for my behavior last time. I don't know why I behaved that way but it was very rude and if you want you can beat me now too if that helps you. Just dont ignore me." I said and left her hand and now waiting for her response.

"Well I will forgive you on one condition." She said and she just need to say a word I will do anything she wants just so she would talk to me again.

" Close your eyes and bend down." She said and I didn't even hesitate and did what she told me. I was waiting for her to hit me again only for me to didn't get any impact and hearing a click sound. I just smiled as she continued to click photos. I don't mind if it's her and again lost in my thoughts of her when I felt a fingers on my cheeks and then SHE PINCHED MY CHEEKS. OH GOD I CAN DIE RIGHT NOW FR.

"CATCH ME IF YOU CAN. And yeah go to hell for what you did to me." she said and ran from there after pinching my cheeks. I was behind her running which I never imagined I would do. She changed me alot and did things which I never expected from anyone. Even hell sounds good if I'm going with her.

I was running behind her in corridor when I saw her getting bumped into that guy again. I was running to save her but before I could he did, and they were again both lost in their world not even noticing my presence. Yeah I think this proves me right. We are never meant to be. Look at them both of them are perfect for each other. I should seriously forget about her and keep her as a friend and not hurt her and me. She can never be mine, but I will be forever yours Meher.

I left from there without giving a second glance at them and was touching my cheeks where she had pinched me. It's okay Jamin some people are not meant to be. She deserves someone good and not you who is just a rude jerk for her. I said to myself and went to Vihaan place so that I can talk to him.


Hello everyonee this is your author. Sorry for late upload and again once upload but I had assignments and exams on my head so I wont be able to upload chapter next week but I swear after my exams I will be back on my regular schedule and will uploads edits too on instagram. So sorry for the delay and hope you all were good this week.

Happy reading!!!!!

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