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Jamin pov :

After 2 weeks of avoiding her, I saw her again at same supermarket which nowadays visit a lot. I saw her and she was with her friends, and they all were wearing same hoodies maybe it was their girls night. And I think I have just witness them getting kick out. I shouldn't be laughing but I can't help. And now at 1 am I'm getting call of Vihaan because he wants to hang out at riverbank with one of his friend's groups and it was Divya the girl with who he just claims to be friends with.  And if its Divya that means it's her group and so I was right about their girls night. 
Even though I should I have denied knowing she would be there too but the urge to see her won and that's how I found her glaring at her friends and me teasing her mandatory. I don't know what got over me, but I hold her hands and did things which I shouldn't be doing. Realization hit me when I intentionally lost rock paper and scissor game. And when I realize I was being jerk again. And now I think that something is wrong with me definitely and with that I avoided her more likely we didn't get time to interact and when we get, I decided only to act like enemies we are and with that day 1 of event came to end. 

Now it was day 2 of the event and now we were all running here and there for last minute preparation of movie night. We were made group of 2 and bhaiya decided to group with Meher which I should be liking but why I am not. They are now in front of me, and this girl is blushing and smiling like crazy in front of bhaiya. I can't with her and so I left from there without giving second glance. 

Now it was time for movie night and entry started when I saw those two Jay and his friend. Jinu bhaiya kafi nhi the jo ye dono bhi aagye. I walked past them and saw them going towards her. I continue doing my work and after a while we all were at food corner where we were all having fun and watching movie from there. I look at her from side of my eye and she was again laughing. How can she sit there and look so beautiful while laughing. Suddenly I got hit by bhaiya and he was smirking. Dangg got caught.

"Just admit it, till when you are gonna look at from afar and glared at every guy who comes closer to her. " bhaiya said. Not with this again.

" Not again. How many times should I tell I don't like her." I said getting frustrated.

"Yeah suree that's why you were glaring at me when I paired up with her and now openly staring at her. I'm betting 5000 that you will soon realize that. Bye chotu. " Bhaiya said that and left from here. Me liking her never. We were now serving food and it was whole chaos because of too much crowd. 

After a while finally it got settled and now we were all drinking cold drinks when Meher asked me to pass a cold drink but me being me I didn't.

"If you have hands and legs then come here and take it yourself." I said and watched her coming here with a smirk. Why was she smirking now?  What's going in her mind now. And now she came closer and I hit the table when I saw her caging me with her hands and everyone already hooting. She suddenly took one glass of cold drink and other one had ice. And I realized now what she was gonna do but before I could do anything she put ice inside my shirt and ran away laughing at me while I was jumping like a monkey making me smile.

It's time for revenge now. So now with some ice I sneak up to her and before she could run away I hold her hands and now slowly put ice in her shirt too. I was gonna pull away but she pulled me more closer holding my shirt collar and IT WAS HOT OF HER FOR NO REASON. And now she was tracing around my face and leaned in more. I might kiss her if she doesn't stop right now. But before I could do anything she hit me and ran away again leaving me a blushing mess here. I went at back to control my emotions, or I might do something which I will regret. I don't want to do anything to her because she is just a distraction and nothing else so its better to stay away from her. 

 With that I went ahead to sit when we were supposed to sit. And when I was on my way I saw her too going to sit. I went to sit beside her but before I could that Jay and his friend sat beside and now I have to sit behind her. 

Half an hour pass when I saw Jay getting up and going to food corner. And I saw her shivering. I was going to give her my jacket but before I could someone else put jacket and it was none other than Jay's friend. I just sat there seeing him giving her his jacket while she look at him with shock. Yeah this is what you are Jamin, you have no place in her life except for being her rival. She has many people who will give her what she deserves. I'm no one in her life. Why did I even bother to give my jacket, it's not like I like her or something and it should be none of my business. With that I got up and went to bhaiya.

"I'm going home early since I'm not feeling well. And yeah you are wrong about me having feelings for Meher. We are just rivals and nothing else. " I said and left from there.

Next day I was again avoiding her after what happened yesterday, and I was successful in that. It was now evening, and I was going in some class to rest for some time. I went into the class only to find Meher already sitting there with headphone on and was reading book but fell asleep. She must be tired too. I quietly went beside her and put my head on table beside her head and now watching her sleeping like a creep. Some hairs strands were falling on face which made her look more beautiful. I gently remove few hair strands without waking her up and admiring her. She definitely looks beautiful when she is quiet. But you find her more beautiful when she speaks and roast you. My inner voice taunted and ruined the moment.

As I was admiring her someone came in and it was none other than Jinu bhaiya. I told him to keep silence because I don't want to disturb her now. He saw Meher sleeping and nodded and signed me to come out. I went outside not forgetting to remove her headphone and keeping her book aside while putting my jacket on her so she doesn't catch cold. 

"And you say you don't like her Jamin." said bhaiya as soon as I came out.

"AND I DONT. IT WAS BASIC COURTESY." I said strongly denying because even if I did like her she would never accept me.

"Yeah sure basic courtesy you say. How come both of you are so similar when you both hate each other." bhaiya said and I look at him confuse.

"Bro Meher did same thing when you were sleeping that day in classroom, and she too even put her scarf on your face so that you won't wake up due to sunlight. " He said and I was standing there in shock. So, the scarf I'm wearing every day was hers. The scent on that scarf which has become my favorite was hers.

"But even if I like her she would never accept me you know." I said.

"OH GOD YOU BOTH ARE SO DUMB. BYE I HAVE WORK TO DO. YOU BOTH SHOULD SORT THAT OUT." He yelled and left from there leaving me here questioning my existence. Now I went back to class again and was in same position as before. 

"What should I do? I think I might like you. Should I continue or not? Tell me. I never thought I would not like you being silent. I thought you are my distraction and nothing else. I will forget you soon that's what I thought but it's getting harder to not to think about you. " I mumble while stroking her hairs gently. I could never say all this while she is awake. I think it's better to leave now and should just stop here.

"Yeah it's better for me to stop here since you will never reciprocate these feelings. I will be your side as your rival forever if that's what will keep me close to you." I said and left from there. I went on to prepare for fest without knowing someone else was there who listen to my confession.


Hello readers. Did you enjoy this chapter? Jamin is going through roller coaster of emotions in this chapter give him some emotional support. And who do you think has overheard his confession? If you enjoy this chapter don't forget to vote and follow my Instagram for updates and cute edits of our Jaher.

Happpyy Readingg!!!!

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