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FEELING pain, you got up. You rubbed your eyes to get a clear view. You sat straight and looked at your surroundings. Eyes went wide when you realised that you was injected by Jeongukk. You pushed the duvet aside and stood straight. You went towards the door and tried to open it but it was locked. Tears started filling in your eyes. You looked at your back and saw curtains. Walking towards it, you pulled the curtains and gasped. It was collapsible doors.

You slowly touched the bars and looked out. You could only see buildings but that are away from you. There was a big garden in your view. "Hmhuhm." You looked back when someone cleared his throat. "Jeongukk?" You asked. He made his way towards you with a tray in his hands. "I thought to bring you dinner for you." He smiled. You just noticed his actions while he put the tray on the table.

Jeongukk looked at you from head to toe while you looked at him in disgust. He chuckled and made his way towards you. "Just stop right there!" You yelled yet he ignored you and walked to you. He smirked and held your wrist. "The heck!?" You tried to yank your hand yet he didn't let you do as he tightened the grip.

"Why are you doing this to me!?" You asked as tears made its way in your eyes. "To get you." He replied calmly. You jerked his hand away in anger and slapped him right on his face. It made his face turn to right side. He quickly looked at you and grabbed your nape. The next thing you knew was him smashing his lips o yours. You then started punching Jimin his chest yet he grabbed your one hand with his one.

"Mmm!" You started crying as you felt weak. "Please!" You mumbled. Just right then his phone rang. A ray of hope grew in you. But it didn't made him stop. He bit your bottom lip making you groan in pain. You then started hitting him and pushing your body against him so that he would back off. He then pushed you on the wall and pinned you.

His phone again rang yet he ignored it. After about 2 more missed calls he pick up the call. "The fvck!?" He yelled. "Mr. Jeon, you have a meeting in 5 mins." His guard informed him. "Just tell them that I will be doing it online!" He replied him rudely. "O-okay sir." He said. Jeongukk cut the call and threw his phone in other corner of the room.

Well it didn't got any harm. You know Samsung galaxy.

Jeongukk scoffed and looked at your body who was now hugging his waist or maybe fainted. Jeongukk groaned and took you in his arms. He made his way towards the bed and made you lay on it. "Have a sweet dream about me." He smiled and pecked your lips.


"No!!!" Jiho flinched as Jungkook cried. "Please Jungkook, calm down." Jiho tried to calm him yet he didn't. "I want her. I need her!" Jungkook just cried. Jiho felt pity for him. But right then he thought of something and got angry. He stood up from his bed and grabbed Jungkook's collar.

Jungkook still cried, not wanting to know about the world. Just right then Jiho punched Jungkook on his cheeks, making him fall on the bed. Jungkook's eyes widened when he felt pain there. "what-" Jiho cut him off when he outbursts "THE ONLY THING YOU KNOW IS JUST TO CRY!" Jiho yelled while Jungkook silently looked at him.

"How weak you are! I have saw (y/n) since childhood! I know how much she has suffered! Do you even know? She had to live apart from her brother who left her when she was just around 7 or something!? She lived with her brother's best friend Kim Seokjin! Aka my brother! She lived with me! She never smiled! I made her smile! It took 2 years just to make her smile! She used to cry at nights! When we were in 5th grade, she was badly beaten by a boy who was her classmate. But she didn't gave up. On that same day when I called her weak for getting beaten by her classmate, she got angry and stormed out to beat that boy. When she came back, she all happy like she won a prize. Next day that boy's parents complained about her beating that boy but went back to their home when she faught with them for her justice!" Jiho exclaimed.

"And you!" He pointed his index finger at Jungkook. Who was still caressing his cheek, where Jiho punched him. "You're her boyfriend? You call yourself her boyfriend!?" Jiho laughed.

Jungkook clenched his jaw when Jiho laughed at him. 'You're her boyfriend? You call yourself her boyfriend!?' These words worked on him. Jiho's Idea worked on him to tell him about your past.

Jiho chuckled but the next thing he knew was Jungkook punching his face. "Don't question our relationship!" Jungkook yelled at him. "Then why don't you! Go to save her!" Jiho yelled.


"Hmm.." Jeongukk coldly replied. "Okay then deal!" He said as he stood up. The men infront of him too stood up and bowed. Jeongukk just ignored them and got out of the cabin.

"What is she doing?" Jeongukk asked. His secretary first looked at him and was about to say something when he spoke "what!?" His secretary got it that he had wore a earbud. "I'm coming!" He said and stormed out.

Jeongukk parked his car and ran in his mansion while unbuttoning his coat. He threw his coat on the couch and ran upstairs. He quickly opened your room and saw your body on the floor while blood dripping from your wrist. "Shit!" He cursed and fall down infront of you. He grabbed your head and put it on his laps. He checked your pulse and damn, it was slow. His eyes started filling with tears. First time ever he felt pain.

He fears to lose you. "No!" He yelled. "Guards! Prepare my 5th car!" He yelled. He picked your body and stormed out. "Please!" He looked at you while tears kissing his cheeks.

“I can't lose you!”

Happy birthday Hoba!

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