Chapter 7: The Castle [2]

Start from the beginning

Alone... at last.

Ardyn walked aimlessly towards the bed, mentally exhausted. Too many things had happened in one day. First, he woke up from a confusing dream that made him late for his graduation ceremony, and then he suddenly got into a car accident on the way.

And right after the excruciating pain, he suddenly blacked out and found himself in this strange world. A world where there were many beautiful things, but also deadly things, like the existence of magic, the realization of Otherworlders...

What was waiting for him here? Why was he here? Was he supposed to die young so that he could somehow be transported here?

So many questions in his head, and most of them unanswered.

When he reached the bed, he plopped down on the mattress, calming down a bit when he felt the soft material seeping into his skin. Only then did he realize that his back was drenched in sweat.

"I should take a shower," Ardyn groaned as he sat up, fingering the sleeves of his cloak. "This clothing is too warm!"

He took a deep breath. Yeah... a shower. Or maybe even a bath. Maybe it'll help me calm down.

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The Council was adjourned. The meeting was over, and the King quickly went into his chambers to prepare for the upcoming event in the castle.

At that moment, a royal knight rushed over to the still-seated Queen and whispered in her ear.

"Your Highness, I have something to report that might be of interest to you," he said. "It appears that the priests and priestesses of the Church have detected something strange in the air since this morning. An anomaly, to be exact."

The knight waited until all council members had left the room before stepping back to report to the Queen in a normal tone of voice.

Queen Aldeva was a distinguished lady in her mid-forties, a figure of unwavering poise and refinement. Despite her intimidating stature, her features were kind and maternal. Like her son, she had bright blue eyes and jet-black hair which was tied back in a bun that delicately framed her face.

She wore a flowing gown of white silk, the bodice decorated with delicate sapphire embroidery. Long sleeves cascaded gracefully down her arms, the ends decorated with intricate cuffs.

The most striking detail of her appearance was certainly the sheer, gossamer veil draped over the back of her hair, with a golden tiara perched atop her head.

She gazed at her knight with an inquisitive look in her eyes. "Tell me in more detail," she ordered.

"They say that the skies and the waters are disturbed," the knight explained. "They sensed a sinister type of magic flickering in the east, on the outside borders of the city. By the shores, it seems. Also... the forest has gone very still, as reported to me by the nearby patrol guards. It's particularly unusual."

The Queen narrowed her eyes. "Is it an incoming attack? But from whom?" She clenched her fists unconsciously. "It has only been three years, and the Scarlet Kingdom is still replenishing its resources. Did we not estimate that they might make an unusual move two years from now?"

The knight lowered his gaze. He had no clue, either. "Perhaps a hidden army is planning a strategy with newfound magic," he guessed. "So as a precaution, I have planted guards in every sector and area to search for possible spies. I have also ordered the captains to strengthen the barrier around the castle."

The Queen nodded grimly. "Good work."

The knight bowed. "My soldiers are ready at your disposal any time, Your Highness."

The Queen stood up from her throne, her long gown flowing from behind as she began to stroll towards her chambers.

"I shall speak to the King about this and send an order after the discussion. In the meantime, you shall have your commcrystal at your side for us to call you at any time. Understood?"

"Yes, Your Highness!"

As the Queen walked past the towering window, her gaze fell upon the breathtaking scenery outside. The night sky stretched above, a peaceful dark expanse adorned with a myriad of stars. The moon shone brightly at this moment, with the clouds drifting across lazily.

It was a beautiful night, yet for some reason, she felt a sense of unease pooling in her gut.

She couldn't help but feel that something else was going on. Something dark and dangerous.

She closed her eyes. "May the gods be with us..." she whispered to no one in particular.


...what awaits us is far more terrifying than a mere army.

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