050- Jay- Enemies

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Y/n, hey.. what's up?
Hello Jay..

You and Jay didn't like eachother at all. You were both idols but for some reason he never liked you. So you started not liking him back.

You know I'm gonna win this award right?
No you're not.

You were constantly competing and you were always compared to Jay.

How about.. we make a deal?
If you win I'll give you 20 dollars.
And what if you win?
Then you have to have sex with me
Jay! What the hell are you talking about?! That's not even fair! Why would I get 20 dollars but you get sex.
You'd be getting sex too y/n. It's a 2 person job.
Okay fine. 100 dollars
100 dollars? I know you can do better than that.
1000 dollars. Final offer.
Wow. You must really want me to have sex with you.
So you think I'm gonna win?
N- y- shut up.

You shook his hand and he kissed yours. You pulled your hand away and wiped it on your shirt.

Okay, I'll see you later. When we have sex.
We're not doing that.
There's a 50 percent chance that we will though.

As he walked away you thought to yourself.
"Oh shit. I'm gonna have to have sex with Jay."

The winner of album of the year!...

You could only think in your head. "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck."



The camera panned to you, you had a fake smile plastered on your face and you were clapping

As he went up to the stage, you could feel him staring at you. He gave his speech before leaving the stage. Everyone started standing up, and so did you. You began running out. When you got to the door you felt a hand on you

You're going back on your promise?
You really can't get a girl to have sex with you?
Well why else would you want it to be me?
I could get a girl to have sex with me. I just want it to be you.
What? Why?

Now you guys were in a room together, it was dark. There was only a small light.

Why me?
Because, y/n. You're beautiful. You're everything I want in a girl. You're..perfect.
Jay.. I didn't know you felt like this.. I thought you hated me.
It's- it's because of the fans
Your fans?
Yes. They saw us together one time and the rumors within my fandom were really bad. So I just acted like I hated you. But I don't hate you. I love you y/n.

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