042- jungwon- Sleepover pt.2 (smut)

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You pushed his shoulders to wake him.

baby.. wonie..! Wake up
Hm? Jagi what are you doing? It's late
Let's go swimming..
swimming? Y/n what time is it?
It's like.. 3.. let's just go, it'll be so fun!
Okay.. go change.

He laid back down until you pulled the blanket off of him

Please Wonie.. I got a new bathing suit and I wanna show you!
Yeah, but I can't show you tomorrow
Why not?
Because then the members will see..

You quietly ran out of the room, he sat up since he was more intrigued.

Wh- Why can't they see?

Wonie! Put your bathing suit on, I'll meet you  outside okay?

You put a towel over your bathing suit and ran outside.

Jungwon came outside and saw you. His big eyes got even bigger and his smile grew wide

Jagiya, where'd you even get this bathing suit from?
The store.. do you like it?
Yeah! You look beautiful, but you were right..
Right about what?
You can't wear this in front of the members..
exactly! Thats why you had to come out now

He just sat there staring at you with a stupid smile on his face

What? Why are you staring at me like that?
Should we go in the hot tub?
Yes! It's so cold out here
Maybe you'd be warmer if you were wearing something.. more
I thought you liked it?
I love it, you look beautiful.
Thank you baby..

You kissed him once before going into the hot tub

Come in here baby.. it's nice.

He slid into the pool after you and you climbed onto him. You started kissing him and he took a seat while pulling you onto his lap. He started kissing your neck and you ran your hands through his hair

Y/n, what are you doing?
What am I doing? You're the one who started kissing my neck..
Okay, you're the one who started grinding on me.
So you don't want to have sex?
I do! No I do!

You kissed him again while gliding his hands onto your butt.

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