013-Sim jaeyun- Bad liar

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Are you cheating on me?
What? Y/n.
I'm being serious. You've been going out every day at unusual hours, when I ask you why you avoid the question. So obviously it's for some bitch.
No it's not. It's for you.
No! Tell me!
If you don't tell me I'll still be mad at you..
Jake! Tell me! Is it bad?
No, it's not.
So it's good?

He smiled at you before looking away

It is good! Well what is it jake?
I didn't say it was good
Look at your stupid big smile! Of course it is
You think it's stupid?
No it's so cute I love it.. so what is the good news?
It's nothing! Don't worry about it.
Jake! You have to tell me!

He started running away and you chased him, jumping onto his back

Jake! What is it?
Don't worry about that. Just get ready, wear the dress you got last weekend.

You excitedly showered and did your hair well, letting your diffused curls be natural. You put on the dress and he walked in

Do you think it looks good?
I think it looks great, you look beautiful

He grabbed your waist, getting a better look.

So where are we going?
We're going to that place you wanted, the one where u eat like on that balcony and you can-
See the sunset??! Jake you know I've wanted to go there! How'd you get a reservation
It doesn't matter, our reservation is soon thought so let's go
Depending on how this goes, I may have a surprise for you when we get home..

He smiled and drove a little faster. When you got there he opened your door, and helped you out. There was a lot of people there, taking photos of you. Jake has mentioned you before to ENGENE, they've just never seen you.

Oppa is this your girlfriend??
You didn't mention her race!
She's pretty!

Everything they said ran through your mind, worrying you. Jake could obviously tell so he grabbed your waist and made you look at him. Saying "your fine. Let's just go inside." And then grabbing your hand

Are you okay?
Yeah. I'm just nervous. Engene hasn't seen me before..
but they liked you.. it'll get released soon anyways.
I thought you wanted to keep my identity a secret?
Well.. I thought it was time for them to see you.
But you didn't tell me.
Are you mad at me?
A little bit. But you took me to this nice place, so I'll forgive you..

You and Jake had finished eating, now you were sitting on the balcony watching the sunset. It looked really pretty so you started taking pictures of it. You saw Jake looking at someone and standing up

Where are you going?

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