007- Lee heeseung- When you wipe his kisses off

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Heeseung and you have been dating a few years now. You were on the couch, laying with the dog.

Y/n! I'm home, Baby? Where are you?
Hm? I'm in here heeseung!
Oh, how was your day?

He bent over to you and started kissing your lips and neck

Mm- Baby!

He took his lips off of you and went to go change, as he walked you wiped the kisses off

What the fuck was that?
You just wiped off my kisses. Why the hell did u do that?
Heeseung calm down. And I don't know who you think your talking to like that
I'm sorry.

You thought he had left but he didn't. When you went back onto your phone you felt his lips on you again. Kissing the same spot on your neck. Harder this time

Heeseung! Mmm- Fuck! Don't leave any hickeys! We're going to my parents tomorrow!

He did leave hickeys, a lot of them. When he was done your shirt was off and you looked.. crazy

Heeseung! I told you not to leave hickeys! They're all over!
Try to wipe those off then.
Why would you- it hurts! Baby! Why- Fuck!
You'll be okay. Wear that shirt, with the neck. You're gonna be fine. They won't ever find out.

The next day you were at your parents house with Heeseung

Eomma, it's hot in here.
Maybe it's because your wearing that.. why'd you dress like it was winter? Ah- Forget it I know why.

She turned to heeseung and spoke

Couldn't wait until tomorrow could you?

He started bowing and he seemed genuinely sorry. She laughed and helped him back up.

It's fine. As long as y/n is happy.

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