028-Niki-Side eyes

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You had just gotten to your boyfriend's job. He wanted you to come and visit so you did.


You jumped onto his lap and he caught you

I missed you..
I missed you too, how was school today?
Good, you'd know if you ever went
I'm just really busy.
Yeah, everybody thinks you're dead.. they don't even think that we're dating anymore
How do you know?
Because Jae is back...
Jae? I thought he was suspended?
Yeah that means he can still come back. And he's back now. He said that "He knew you'd leave me eventually"
What an asshole.. you told him we're still dating right?
No, he hasn't come up to me personally.. he's just been talking around
I'll deal with it. Don't worry
Don't do anything Niki.. Oh look! The other members are here

As the members walked in you hugged them for a couple seconds. You hugged jungwon for a little longer though, it had been a while since you'd seen him. You guys have been friends since elementary school, this was probably the longest you've gone without him

Jungwon you look so handsome! You dyed your hair?
Yea, it looks good?

As you talked jungwon held your waist, you could almost feel Niki's glare, so you ran back to him

Niki eyed you from the side, and he didn't say anything.

What Niki?

You tried to hug him but he pushed you away

Why don't you go and hug jungwon? I don't think it was long enough the first time
Shut up Niki.. you know me and jungwon have been friends for a long time.
Yeah I know, I also know that everyone falls in love with you. But you're mine.. right?
Of course I am. Are you feeling a little insecure?
No. Why would I-

He stood up and went to his room

What's wrong with him?
He's mad at me.. I should go talk to him.
Or you should wait.. he really likes to be alone when he's mad
But I don't want him to be mad at me anymore..


He kept his head down

Are you crying?

He truthfully was emotional, he cried to you about a lot of things

Can I come lay with you for a little bit?

He rolled over, leaving your spot on his bed open

I didn't mean to hurt you Niki..

You snuggled into his chest as you spoke

I'm sorry..
I know I shouldn't be jealous but I can't help it. I know how long you've known jungwon hyung.. but it's not that.
Then what is it?
He's had more time with you. You know him better than you know me.
That's not true
You know it is.
We've just been friends for a long time Niki..

I know..

He pulled away from you and laid on his stomach

That's why..
What do you mean?
He's had more time to fall in love with you..
You aren't in love with me?
Y/n you know I am. Of course I love you, that's why I get jealous.. I just don't want to lose you.
To jungwon? I remember in year 5 when he asked a girl if she liked him and she rejected him and he cried
He cried over a girl?
He's grown a lot since then


Have you ever slept over at his house?
Well.. yeah, but not anymore
Obviously not anymore he lives in the dorm now.
Right but I wouldn't do that anymore, since I have a boyfriend

He pulled you back into his arms and hugged you

Have you showered at his house?
No! Niki I usually slept in his sisters room with her! We're friends too!
Oh, okay then.
You think my parents would let me sleep in the same bed as jungwon? Really?
No I don't..
they don't even want me sleeping in the same bed as you
I know..

He kissed your cheek

Should we go back?
I guess..

You went to sit down on the couch, Niki made sure you were right next to him

Within a couple minutes everyone was joking around with eachother. You were now seated between jungwon and Niki.

She laughed loudly at his jokes, for like 10 minutes. Then she tried to put my arm around her

Niki side eyed you again. Insinuating that he was mad. You stopped laughing at jungwon and you paid attention to your clingy boyfriend instead.

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