029- Jay- Rockstar boyfriend

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Jay was usually a really good boyfriend. When you spent time with him, it felt like something that had ever felt before. But that is until he became famous. Yes at times he still calls you and texts you, but not as frequently as before. You've checked it off of him just being "Tired"

Hi baby
How are you?.. what have you guys been doing?
We just came back from a concert now. I wanted to call you before I showered
We haven't talked in a while Jay..
yeah i know that's why I called
anyway I gotta go now I'll talk to you later beautiful.
Okay.. bye.

He didn't even say I love you.. that asshole isn't even gonna call me back!

Hey pretty
Hi Jay..
why are you always calling me Jay now? What happened to baby?
I don't know.. it used to just come out naturally..
what does that mean?
It means that I miss you.. and I really want to see you..
okay.. why don't you come to the next concert?
You think I didn't try? It's impossible to get tickets now.. you guys are doing well
It's nice to hear that from you.. but I meant come in with me
And what about the dating ban?
They won't know I'll tell them your my sister or something
Jay I'm black
We'll just say that your staff if anything.
Okay that works
I'll come get you tomorrow that way you can stay the night before the concert
Okkk I'll get my stuff ready now then. You should get some rest before the next concert
Yeah I know.. I'll talk to you later okay?
Ok.. bye Jay
Again with this "Jay" stuff..
sorry.. once I see you it'll come back
It better
k bye Jay I love you
I love you too princess

Princess?? What's with him?

The day of the concert you dressed really cute, or probably sexy. You wore long black boots, leather. And the same for your top and miniskirt.

When I saw her she looked beautiful. As soon as she got backstage I ran after her, she jumped into my arms and felt a lot lighter than usual

You've been eating well right y/n?
Mhm! Everyday.
Are you working out or something?
No just chilling
That's weird.. you feel a lot lighter than usual
You're saying I look skinny? Oh..thank you!
You do.. I just hope you didn't lie to me
I'm not..
Okay, well after this we're all going to eat. The members said you could come
I can't go Jay..
because you aren't eating! Y/n- I knew it. I'll order you something
No- Jay! It's okay I'll order something, you should go and get ready now!
Okay let's go to the dressing room?

He held your hand as you got to the dressing room

Order your food.
I'll just order something small, that way I can have room for later
Good idea, because I'm gonna order for you.
Jay, you're so controlling..
I just want you to eat a meal for a regular person instead of a child
Okay whatever..

Ok I'm going now y/n, come give me a kiss

You ran over to him and kissed both of his cheeks before his lips

Good luck baby
You said it..
told you I just needed to spend time with you. And remember I can see you on that screen. So flirt with some hoe and I'll catch you.

He walked away looking a little confused, but still laughing.

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