033- Jungwon-his love for you

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Baby, why aren't you excited? You love interviews!
I know but.. this host is different..
Different how?

Different like she has a big crush on jungwon.

What? She does?
Mmm.. yeah.
Wonie why didn't you tell me? I would've put more effort into how I looked if I knew there was gonna be competition
There isn't competition, you're my girlfriend, I love you.
Awww.. I love you too. It's okay baby, don't be worried

It's because she's always flirting with him.
Is she?
Niki! Shut up!
Oh my bad

As the interview went on, it was very clear to everyone that she definitely liked him. She laughed at everything he was saying, and she only asked him questions

So jungwon, what's your ideal type?

You both stared intensely at eachother before he spoke

Umm.. I really like.. uhh.. darker toned girls, with their hair curly.. or sometimes braided
So.. black women?
Yes! Yes!
Oh.. alright..

After the interview you kissed and hugged him a lot. No kpop idols say that they like black women on talk shows. You pulled him down to your level before whispering in his ear

"That was really brave of you wonie, you're not scared of the hate you'll get now?"
No, I'm not.. I just wanted her to know how I was feeling.

You could tell that this girl really made him mad, throughout the interview he could be seen sighing, not paying attention, or even rolling his eyes at her comments

I love you Wonie.
I love you too jagi
I'm gonna suck your dick when we get home.
Wh- y/n! Really?
Yes! It's the least I could do, maybe it'll distract you from everything engene will say.
Okay! Me and y/n are gonna take a separate car!

He drove really fast to get home. When he got home he carried you to his room, when he put you down you lifted his shirt before laying him down on the bed, and straddling your legs before him.

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