012- Jay-Part 2 of the baby AU

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You were cuddling with Jay, kissing him.

So what? It isn't your fault that they had another kid 15 years later. You shouldn't be responsible for that kid
I know but, she's my baby sister.
Technically. But your also adopted. So not biologically
But emotionally. That's more important.
Y/n you shouldn't feel bad. If you want to sit for the kid you should, I'll stay with you.
Really? Thank you baby!

You kissed Jay and crawled onto his lap.

Maybe we can go a little after something?
Mhm. Go lock the door, I'll close the windows

You and Jay, after what you'd just previously done. You left the room after cleaning up

Where are you guys going
We're going to go babysit y/n's sister
Yeah, based off of what you just finished doing you should prepare for something like that.
What do you mean?
You know, having sex. Having kids.
Kids? No. We aren't having kids anytime soon. I'm only 19
Oh right. I forgot you were a kid
I'm not a kid! I'm 2 years younger than Jay is!
Can you even drive?
Leave y/n alone just because she's younger than us. It's not her fault that your old
Jay we're the same age!
Okay we're gonna go. We'll be back later.

When you arrived to the house Jay held you closely

You didn't tell me you guys lived in such a bad neighborhood, it's dangerous here.
Your just worried that if I get kidnapped we won't have sex anymore.
No I'm not, I'm worried for you. Because I love you
I love you too

He kissed you and was going to go further, but you stopped him

We need to go babysit now!

You went in and your mom handed you your 2 year old sister

Hello to you too.
I gotta go. You'll watch her overnight, won't you?
No, I was supposed to go out with Jay later.. I can't
Well you'll have to.
No mom you said you wouldn't do this again!
I have to work! Okay?? I have to make money to buy you guys things! Get over it and do this one thing for me?!
Can Jay stay the night?
You can't sleep in the same bed. I'll be back around 3. So if I go in there and your in the same bed, you won't be seeing him anymore.
Okay okay! Bye mommy!
Bye y/n, bye Chaeul, bye Jay. Have a good night guys, I love you

As she left Chaeul began crying

Why are you crying?
I miss mommy!
She literally just left Chaeul. You wanna lay with me and Jay upstairs in my room?
I've never been in your room before. Your mom never allowed it..
but obviously she does now. So it's fine, come in

As you went up to your room with Chaeul in your arms, Jay followed

Okay.. so this is my room. Don't just stand in the door come lay down

Jay laid next to you and Chaeul laid on the other side of you, but eventually she made her way to cuddle herself around your chest. As she fell asleep you and Jay started talking

Should you put her in her bed?
No it's just a nap. And I'm not gonna have sex with you right now if that's what you wanted to know.
I know y/n I'm not like, obsessed with it or anything.
Okay whatever.

A few hours later after you guys had eaten, the 3 of you fell asleep on your bed. You heard the door open so you pushed Jay off of the bed and onto the mattress that was on the floor.

Ow! Fuck y/n.
Shh my mom is home. Go back to sleep

Minutes later you heard him snoring. You also went back to sleep and Chaeul slept right next to you

Y/n? Ah, okay.

Enhypen ambw short stories Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora