025- Jake- The turn

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Jake was your bestfriend, you've always had a big crush on him. And you knew he liked you too. But he always said that you guys could never date. He gave you mixed signals, that he liked you, but he didn't wanna ever date you. Being a vampire he didn't ever wanna hurt you. But you wanted to be hurt. You were the only girl in that home. Every other girl was adopted, except for you. That's why you had your own room, that's why Jake was always able to stay with you. You kept your room dark that way he could come in whenever. You came out for meals, to use the restroom, but that was all. Nobody in your home cared about you. You could go days without coming out and they wouldn't bat an eye. It was miserable, and Jake was your escape from it. That's why you wanted him to turn you. You knew that your life would be immediately better if he turned you. You'd be with him every day.


She laid in her bed, she was pale. She usually was happy to see me, now she wasn't even conscious to see me.

Are you okay?

I laid next to her, she faced the wall so I came behind her and put my arms around her. She smelled so good but now wasn't the time for something like that.

Oh! You're awake..
are you okay? You look really sick..

I brushed her curly hair back and felt her forehead, of course my hands were so cold it felt regular to me.

I'm okay.. just, I haven't been really.. feeling like myself lately..
do you wanna go out?
Why not?
They told me to eat  and I was going to.. but I fell asleep.. so they grounded me. I can't go anywhere..
when did they ground you?
I don't know..  a couple weeks ago?
You haven't come out in a week?
I have.. I have to use the bathroom and shower still..
but you haven't eaten?
Not really..

That's why she looked so pale, that's why she stuttered when she spoke, that's why her cheeks had sunken in..

Y/n.. please eat.. I love you, I don't wanna see you like this..
you don't love me Jake. If you loved me you wouldn't let me suffer like this..
what do you want me to do y/n?
Get me out of here.. like you've always promised.

She didn't know I could even turn her, in the home she never really watched movies or read books on vampires, everything she knew was everything I told her.

I do love you y/n.. we just.. can't-
Can't be together?. I know. Jake. I know all about your stupid game
What stupid game?
You take a girl who has nobody, nothing. And you make her fall in love with you, you tell her everyday that you'll help her, that you love her, but you can never be with her.. it's all just a fake to you.. but it's my life that you're fucking up.
That's not what I'm doing y/n.
Then why can't we be together Jake?? You claim that you love me and you know I love you! You know I'd never go for anyone else because of you. So you're just gonna let me be alone forever? Until I die??
I- Y/n...
No Jake! I'm tired of it! I'm sick! I'm going to die and you'll stay here forever, you'll find another girl but I'll never find anyone else, as long as you keep coming around here.. there will be nobody for me..

Coming to this sad realization had put you into tears.. you were breathing heavily until he kissed you

I do want to be with you..but-
But you can't. I know Jake
No.. But I have to turn you first..
Turn me?
I can't lose you y/n.. you're the perfect girl for me, and you're suffering here. And I want to help you..

He grabbed your hand before he opened the blacked out curtains, his skin began shimmering.

What the hell.??
I know. Don't freak out. Just..

His teeth got sharper..

Fangs.. you really have them.
I told you I did.. you didn't believe me?
Not really.

You brushed a finger over his fang, it cut your finger

What did you think would happen?
I don't know.. Jake I feel really lightheaded, can we sit down?
This is what I mean. I can't stay to see you suffer like this. Im going to turn you y/n.. if it's alright with you..?
Sure! If it'll help me..
you don't even know what it means.
Well what does it mean?
I'll bite your neck, and you'll become a vampire
You'll bite me? What's that gonna do
Well it's more like.. I'll bite you then suck the blood out of your neck
What?? Out of my neck? Isn't that gross?? I thought you only drank animal blood? Wouldn't that kill me??
Don't freak out, that's just how you'd get turned. Then everything would be better
Would I still live here?
No. You'd live with me.
Where do you live at?
I'll show you after I turn you
What if I say no?
If you say no then you'll continue living how you are now. And I'd probably have to leave, we're supposed to since the humans get attached
What do you mean they get attached?
Humans, for some reason fall in love deeper with vampires, it's something like an aroma
Yeah. One that we have. That's why you love me so much
Is it?
Yes. I'm not really all that great.
So if you turn me, I'll be dead.. but I'll be with you?
For all eternity
What if I get tired of you? I still have to stay with you?
Yes. We'll be bounded together..
so I can't talk to anyone else? Only you?
Well- No you can talk to anyone, just.. you'll be with me
Like dating?
More like married..
Okay! I'll do it!
That fast?

There was a hint of sarcasm in his voice. He laid above you on the bed, he got closer but you stopped him

Wait.. Will this hurt?
Only for a second.
Like a shot?
I really hate shots.

He rolled over and laid next to you. Letting out a groan

Do you really want to do this?
Yes! I'm just scared of the pain..
you can do it. Just think about it, me and you will be together forever. But all you have to do is get a shot. A second of pain for a lifetime of happiness
Happiness with you?

He looked offended

I'm just kidding! But before I let you.. can we kiss a little bit more?
You want me so badly.

The 2 of you laughed into the kiss. He
Slowly went down to your neck, kissing it and leaving hickeys

Jake! I don't want to be stuck with those forever!
One more?
One more.

He did as promised. After that he moved to a clean spot on your neck, he kissed it before biting down quickly. You tried to push him off of you but he just pushed his teeth in all the way. You screamed in pain until he covered your mouth. You felt so much pain for that second, but after the pain you felt pleasure. For some odd reason him literally sucking the life out of you felt.. good. So good that you became dizzy, so good that you only saw black. And you didn't remember anything after that

Is that y/n screaming??
I think it is.
What's wrong with her?
How am I supposed to know, she hasn't left her room in weeks!
Should we go in?
No, they said not to go in there if the door was closed.
She's still screaming.. let's just go in!
No she'll stop

Now you went completely silent

There. I told you she'd stop.
Yeah.. she isn't making any noise now..
not a sound..
okay. Let's go in

They opened the door to see your bed empty.


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