030- Park sunghoon- Baby pt.3

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This is requested by @A_Isabel_Ngobenzi_Z

Jay you're being ridiculous! Y/n loves it there
Because she's just whoring around!
Don't call your sister a whore Jay.
She's flirting with everyone! I saw her on top of Sunghoon 10 minutes ago!
So what? It's not like she's dating them. And even if she was it'd be fine.
What?? You're the one who said-
Jay I was only kidding. She's grown. She can do whatever she wants
Well I'm not letting her do that stuff to my friends. Sunghoon is a really good guy. She'd only hurt him.
Does she really like him?
No! Obviously not!
Okay! I'll call you later

Hi Eomma..
you really like this boy?
I don't know.. I think I do. He's always been really sweet and I can tell he has a kind heart..
you better not mess this up y/n. I'll cancel the ticket but you better be the one to tell Jay.
You're just a kid.. well I guess not. But you should get to explore like anybody else.
Thank you Eomma I love you!
I love you too y/n

You brought your suitcase and bags to sunghoon's room. He looked happy since he thought you already left.


He hugged you and sat you next to him on the bed

W-What are you doing here? I thought you had left!
I was going to but turns out I can actually stay!
That's great! Does Jay know?
Well.. no. And he's probably going to be angry so can I sleep with you?
Yeah of course! But you should tell him.
I know.. I will!

You kissed him one time before walking out.

Y/n? What the f- why are you still here?
Eomma said I can stay..
this is my house, and I'm saying you can't stay.

You sat him down on the bed and held his hand

I know that you're protective over me because you don't want anyone's feelings to get hurt.
Yeah. And that's not going to happen if you date Sunghoon.
Why? Is he a bad person?
No it's not that.. it's you.
I'm a bad person??
No! Just, when we were in high school everyone liked you. Even people from my grade.
It wasn't everyone Jay..
remember my friend?
Mark. He liked you remember?
Yeah. He was really sad when I rejected him..
exactly, he didn't talk to anyone for months! Because of you!
I-I didn't realize..
I know. But I don't want anything like that to happen to Sunghoon.
Nothing like that will happen! I like him Jay! A lot!

He was standing off of the bed but you were on your knees on the bed. Almost begging him to let you stay. He grabbed your wrist and made you sit right.

Y/n. If something happens with you guys, and you break up. You'll move back.
Okay!... thank you Jay!

You hugged him and kissed his cheek before running to see Sunghoon

He said it's okay!

You saw the big smile that formed as he opened his arms to you, you wrapped your arms around his neck and he had his on your waist, his head resting on your chest.

I'm so glad that you're staying y/n..

By now you were laying together, hugging, cuddling.

Do you wanna go out y/n?
Mm.. like on a date?
A date? Yes of course!
We should go tomorrow. We have the day off.
Okay! I'm excited!
What should we do?
I don't know.. actually! I do know! We should go ice skating!
Can you skate?
Can I skate? Can you skate?

He looked at you shocked before you started laughing

No I can't, but I think it would be cute for you to teach me.
Okay I will.

You kissed him before he continued talking with you. Nobody walked in for hours. You had the perfect amount of alone time with him. Jay texted you once or twice to make sure you weren't having sex, because in the end, he was still your brother.

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