Chapter 29

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*+:。.。·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳We're back with the GIFS and the cute symbols <333 *+:。.。·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳

Bad bitch POV (aka Y/n)

I gaze over at where the odd comment came from, my eyes shifted to one of disgust as Illumi just took a sip from the alcohol he was drinking. I for one wanted to go home sober so my mother didn't whoop my ass.

A pair of narrow brown eyes met mine, it was the exact same man I met on the boat to padokea...Hope smiled before she waved at the man with a smile. "Oh~ Daniel is back with the flirting, as always." Hope said with a laugh. I was about to sip my  'non-acoholic wine' that I was sure had alcohol, before I paused.


The same boy that Illumi killed all those years ago..? Speaking of which, the same boy that I lost my virginity to a few weeks after the 'Romeo & Juliet' incident. He was dead...I was sure of it. I mourned him, cried over him, heck- I still remember those painful night where i'd stay up late-- gazing at photos of him and I together, wishing, and praying I had never met Illumi. Funny to think I was only pissed off at Illumi for a short period of time, maybe i'm just a forgiving person. Or maybe I was blinded by the friendship him and I used to share, who knows.

"Wait- Daniel? As in the same Daniel that...Uh...Didn't get along with Doe?" I mumbled to Hope.

We had given Illumi the name 'Doe' in secret due to how large his eyes were. I was sure his eyes were considered 'Doe eyes', though they missed a big portion: The innocence.

Hope looked at me with a neutral expression before nodding. "Yeah! He was in the hospital for years...The incident took a wild turn." Hope replied, I suppose this news had shocked me so much that I didn't even notice Kestrel and Illumi talking a few meters away...Funny to think how I didn't notice my 'fiance' had moved away from me, either.

"What?! I- I thought you were dead..?!" I exclaimed, Daniel looked at me with raised eyebrow before his eyes widened. "Dead? Y/n, i'm more alive than I've ever been...Where the fuck did you get that information from?" He looked at Hope for clarification, though she didn't have an answer either...
"After Illumi attacked you, you were in the hospital for years! Almost everyone told me you were dead...I was heartbroken...I-I cried so much!" A small tear welled in my eyes before I noticed Daniel's confused gaze softened before he took a few steps closer to us. 
"No, N/n...I was anything but dead...I'm not sure how this came about, and i'm not sure why Hope never cleared this up...But I was in the hospital for years learning to walk again. The stupid asshole over there fucking screwed up my legs completely with those fucking needles. And he was so close to you when I first saw you in the room, I almost thought you were with him or something.." 

A bit of anger flared up inside me at the thought of Illumi hurting someone who was there for me when I needed it. Illumi did pure shit. And despite the fact Illumi 'cleared up a few things' when we went to that light show, he was still in the wrong. Tremendously.

"Uh...Well..." Hope looked at me, and then back at Daniel. "Honestly, I agree with Daniel 100%. So I think you should be the one to explain."

"Explain what?" I replied before I finally took a sip of my drink, the sip that was delayed by stupid shock because my life is just so great. "...You know, You and slenderman..?" Hope said with a slight blunt tone, I let a sigh escape my lips before I crossed my arms once more.
"Yeah...About that. Illumi and I are...Uh...Engaged..." I mumbled.

Hearing the sudden yell coming from Daniel made Hope and I wince a slight bit, hence why I was so confused why Illumi didn't hear it. 

"Why the flying fuck are you getting married to a serial killer? He tried to kill me! Listen, Y/n- I love you, but I always hated your decisions...I think this is the worst one!" He sneered, my expression shifted to one of an apologetic glance before I began to explain. "I-it's arranged! More less...You know, rich family between rich family..?"

"You're an assassin too, aren't you." Hope pitched in, her gaze looked a bit angry, and I was shocked at how she found out...My jaw dropped a little bit before I struggled to explain. "W-well, not really- I'm not nearly as bad as-" I was cut off my Daniel's harsh words. "Save it. I think you're worse then I thought...Marrying a monster makes you just as bad, if not worse." He sneered, I looked at him, and then Hope...Who had an akward gaze.
"Come on, Hope..." Daniel hissed before he turned to walk away, though Hope didn't leave. Instead, she waited for him to leave.
"You're not a bad person...Daniel is just a bit...Shocked...I better go check on him, makes sure he doesn't do anything stupid. I'll meet you at the bar!" She said with a small smile before I watched her fade into the distance, her words didn't really do anything.

After the reunion, you had the option to go to a bar with some people. I'm pretty sure it was a club, considering there were private rooms to fuck eahother, there was a stripper section for 'VIPS'. Though this after party wasn't planned by the people who had arranged the reunion, it was planned by the party freaks that forgot that we're not in highschool, and that it probably isn't a good idea...

I'm totally going.

I'm not sure if Illumi is interesting in coming, though I hope like shit that Kestrel won't be there. This night sort of got ruined, just a little bit. Though I'll give it the benefit of the doubt, and see where the night takes me. Whether it be in someones bed, or sobbing in a corner. I just hope I don't get drunk...

I probably will.

A  M I S T Y  M E M O M R Y (Illumi x FEM Reader) BOOK ONEWhere stories live. Discover now