Chapter 18

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*ೃ༄·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳I'm trying to make this as fast AND slow as possible, and it sucks for me

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*ೃ༄·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳I'm trying to make this as fast AND slow as possible, and it sucks for me.*ೃ༄·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳

Y/n's POV

I've been here for atleast 28 hours. And i'm already attempting to whistle for Violet with pure fear that she was dead.
Yes, I whistle for my cat like a dog. That's just how she works. Aslong as I'm within the country then Violet can hear me. 
As I sat on the boat and watched as the Republic of Padokea flag slowly passed as the boat continued to slowly come closer and closer to our destination.
"Thank you all 221 passengers for boarding Padokea water lines! You have now reached the republic of Padokea! Enjoy your stay! The vehicles, horses, and animals will be removed from the boat before all passengers, please remain where you are until staff tells you so! Your safety is important!" I heard an aged man announce on the intercom, technically- there were 222 passengers...Though, they don't know that. I swiftly stand up and gaze at Padokea...I've lived in many places, and Padokea had to be one of my favourites. One of the main reasons is that many assassin families live here, and i've met tons of people of my kind...Despite the memories i've made...
Eventually, the boat paused near a boat dock, and I saw a wooden plank get used as a bridge as I watched some rather gorgeous horses get lead onto the dock...I smiled as I gazed out to Padokea.
I wonder if my highschool is still up and running.

I chuckled as I watch one horse act stubborn, when I heard a voice begin to talk to me.
"Is that your horse?" He said, his voice charismatic and masjestic. I turn around, and the man (or boy, because now a days a five year old can look like a 13 year old) looked oddly farmiliar...I made sure my guard was up, considering this man could be some creep...Or maybe he was an assassin, trying to assassinate me who is very literally an assassin. I clear my throat before averting my gaze from the horse to the man.
"No." I said flatly, he chuckled before continueing to talk to me.
"Well, you're not talkative- are you?" He said calmly, I turn around to look at him with a sigh before giving him a sarcastic smile. "I really don't want to talk to you, I'm busy! And i'm sure you are to." I said before I turned my head to the bridge, and see my bright red motorcycle being brought out...Now I just have to get off without anyone asking for my boarding ticket, and claim my motorcycle.

After around twenty minutes, I see a bunch of families leaving the boat and claiming their horses, bikes, and pets. I sigh, before deciding to sneak in with a family that had similar features to me. 
E/c eyes and similar h/c hair. I stand next to the mother and father, who was holding a baby while the other siblings just laughed and spoke with eachother. I had no siblings, so I didn't really know how to fake it. But it worked, because the parents did the talking while the siblings and I walked. The family didn't even notice!

A smirk crept upon my lips before I made my way over to my motorcycle, since I couldn't ride it yet...I lead it out to the streets, where I then began my journey to wherever the tracker had last picked up...
Speaking of which, is it working now?

Before I even put my key in the ignition, I pulled out my cracked and damanged phone- where I looked at the tracker. Since my service wasn't that wonderful out here in Padokea, the app wouldn't let me zoom in to where Violet was last located...But it did give me coordinates.
I vaguely remembered my way around Padokea, considering the republic wasn't that large. I definitely don't remember how to read coordinates, but judging how far it was on the 'map', I can say that I grew up in that area.
I tried to search up the coordinates on my phone, but only then did I realize my phone was at a good ol' 8%. And who knew how long it would be until I got to a cahrger...I needed to memorize the coordinates, as I shouldn't look back at my phone. And I didn't have a single pen...Or pencil. I had to leave the memorizing part on my brain.
I continued to look at the coordinates, until I was almost certain I remembered the numbers and letters...Now, how do I read them? Simple, all I need to do is search it up on a computer somewhere. But wherever the coordinates were, was probably somewhere private considering my mother was an assassin. And my butlers probably accompanied her aswell...So I don't trust myself to google it on some random person's phone...Where is a place that has a computer? That is free to the public.

I pause to think, as I made sure my motorcycle didn't tip over as I leaned it against the wall. When I was little, and living in Padokea, (by little, I mean maybe around 13 when I didn't have a phone). Where would I google stuff, that wasn't my mother's cellphone...I bit my lip before looking around at buildings nearby, in hopes that it would make a thought ring up in my mind.
An elderly building caught my attention..
'Bennies bookshop...'

That's it!

I need to find a library! Every library should have atleast one computer for checking books in and out, and for the public to search up titles and study! Good! I'm one step closer to tracking done my family. I didn't even consider the fact that I was considered MISSING. But, it is what it is. And i'm surviving solely on a broken telephone, three dollars, and a motorcycle that surely was going to break down sometime soon. But, judging by how far i've come, i'm going to find my mother. And the L/n estate will be rebuilt.
The Padokea library, here I come!

A  M I S T Y  M E M O M R Y (Illumi x FEM Reader) BOOK ONEWhere stories live. Discover now