Chapter 3

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               ·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳*ೃ༄From now on, I will be adding GIFS because I found a website that has them and they're cute...·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳*ೃ༄
Y/n's POV

Can my life get any worse!
As I walk along with Illumi towards his mansion, I couldn't help but feel rage pent up inside me. I am not angry for no reason, of course not! I'm the lead flautist, all my hard work has payed off. I can't get higher then this, even if i tried. I have so much more oppurtinities when it comes to music now! But...Let me tell you. My role is not at all what i'm angry about.
It's Illumi's.
I said that he'd make a good Dorian Grey because the character is devoid of emotion for the most part of the book, and even then. Illumi is good at acting, lying, and manipulation. Which can make him a good actor at times. And Romeo is one of the main protagonists, a character that gets tons of time on stage. But...The person who played Juliete, doesn't desearve to act along side him.
She is the most no good, snobby, shit disturber i've ever seen! Shes never once left me alone with my life, and I can't stand her. And the thought of her kissing Illumi makes me absolutely furious. Not only that, but Illumi (Or, Romeo) would have to sing songs about how much he loves her. Now, this originally be no problem to be. Illumi is in theatre for god sakes! Hes bound to be apart of a romance play, and I love romance...But he doesn't know the torture shes put be through.
Illumi opens the tremendous gate for me, and I thank him. Illumi was met by getting a nice lick on the body by Mike...Which resulted in him getting covered in slober.
"Mike! No!" He hissed, I let out a small chuckle and one of the butlers escourted us to his bedroom where we would study math.
Illumi placed his bag down on his bed and looked in the mirror, his slightly long hair was now all gooey. "Do you mind if I take a shower?" He said in a disgusted tone. I shook my head with a slight smile. It wasn't Illumi's fault that he was picked as Romeo, and it wasn't his fault that Kestrel was paired with him...I shouldn't be mad.
I just don't know how long I can keep the act up.
He walks away with a spare change of clothing, and some hair products for growth considering he wanted to begin growing his hair. "Oh-- Illumi! You forgot your hair brush!" I exclaimed, while getting my books out of me bag, he turns around and looks at me with a slightly confused expression. I placed my books on his bed, before tossing him his hair brush. Obviously, he caught it with triumph. "Brush your hair a little before showering, it premotes stimulation for growth." I said with a smile, he just looked at me before blinking.
"...Thanks..." He said calmly before making his way to the bathroom.

A few minutes later, I could hear the water running. I try and ignore it, and continue focusing on my math equations with I absolutely suck at. But everyone isn't good at everything. I hum a song as I write down the answer to 'x'. Not even a couple of seconds later, Illumi's bedroom door creaks open. And I was met with farmiliar ice blue eyes. "Y/n..?" A baby voice said happily. I placed my pencil down and smiled. "Hey, Killua!" I said with a chuckle...The boy ran up to me and quickly hugged my leg that was hanging off of the bed. "Can I stay with you and brother?" Killua said with a smile. I bit my lip with uncertainty. Illumi absolutely despised when his siblings entered his room without his permission. (He almsot never gave out permission). So I would automatically assume that he would say no, but he is full of surprises. "Well...Right now your brother is cleaning himself, so I don't know. Come back in a few minutes and i'll ask him. Alright?" I said hapilly, Killua nodded before running off, and out of the room.
I swear he was holding something...
I brush it off and get up from the bed to shut the door, to prevent Mike from entering. Yes, Mike was a guard dog who was extremely large-- even for a puppy. But he still had free will to roam the house, and enter any room he pleases because everything in Illumi's house was tremendously sizeable. My house was similar...But I preferred his home better.

I made my way to the door and gently close both of the dark wood doors and sigh. I barely ever saw Mrs. Zoldyck, but I knew she was with child. It would be Illumi's third sibling. And apparently, judging by how his father spoke. The aura was rather powerful.
I was about to walk back to the bed, when I felt a strong grip pull me to the side. With shock, I quickly hit whatever body gripped me. There was no reaction, I swiftly turn around-- and find Illumi standing extremely close.
"Oh, hi..." I blinked, Illumi was literally wearing a towel around his waist. But, considering i've seen him naked once before. (I was five, he was seven). I suppose he didn't think it was a big deal. But Illumi was hella attractive, and was rather muscular. So seing a bare, wet, chest was setting my hormones off the roof. But, it was Illumi. I should not be having these thoughts.
When I say he was close, I mean I could feel his breath on my skin. He looked down at the floor before responding. "You were about to step on Killua's toy..." He said before I looked down, and he was right. If he hadn't been there, my foot would have been pierced with a lego car toy thingy. I chuckle before picking it up and putting it on Illumi's dresser. "I suppose he'll have to come retreive it later." He said calmly. I nod my head, before turning back to Illumi and looking at his chest. Where I had punched him, was now forming a red spot-- which I would assume would turn into a bruise.
"Ah! Jeez, I'm sorry...I didn't mean to." I said in an apologetic tone.
"What do you mean?"

A  M I S T Y  M E M O M R Y (Illumi x FEM Reader) BOOK ONEWhere stories live. Discover now