Chapter 13

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*ೃ༄·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳This one is also in Illumi's POV bc the L/n's are a mysterious fam of baddies*ೃ༄·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳

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*ೃ༄·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳This one is also in Illumi's POV bc the L/n's are a mysterious fam of baddies*ೃ༄·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳

Illumi's POV

When the butlers heard mom scream the word fire, they all got into a protective position.Kalluto and I also immediantly stood up...But mother didn't seem to be in a rush.
"W-what?! Where!" Grandfather said sternly...My father got up from his chair and walked up to my mother, pulling her in a hug. It was sickening to know that my father would risk killing his children for his wife...
Atleast my siblings don't need to worry if they are going to have divorced parents.
"No! No, not here...We're fine..." My mother said as tears remained to fall from her eyes, that were coverd by her electric visor. I walked away from my seat and closer to my mother, should I help her or something?
She was crying in my fathers shoulder, and I looked at him for guidance...My father shook his head, which was a sign for me to not hug her, but to remain on guard considering my mother was known to be a tad bit...Overdramatic. But everyone has their perks. 
"Sit down dear, does it involve the business? Us? Anything life threatening?" My father said before pulling up a chair for my mother...Before a butler quickly came back with some tea. I turned my head and noticed Kalluto and Milluki both looking extremely concered, Kalluto less then Milluki.
"The business is fine...We're okay, but you won't believe the news I just received..." She said before she reached out for her tea, her hands shaky. The butler helped the tea into her hands...Which she clearly didn't like.
"Do not touch my tea you mutt!" She hissed, the poor butler looked taken aback though I remained silent, now it was my job to make sure my siblings were stable with their emotions....
̶u̶̶n̶̶l̶̶i̶̶k̶̶e̶ ̶m̶̶y̶ ̶m̶̶o̶̶t̶̶h̶̶e̶̶r̶

"I-I...Alright, Silva- what was the name of your old mentor?" My mother said before taking a deep breath and sipping her tea. My father looked a bit confused and turn to my grandfather (Who literally was his father).
"Um...Zeno?" He said before looking at me, I shrugged my shoulders before looking back at Mother. "No, the one that taught you how to position yourself...yes! His daughter was friends with Illumi!" My mother said with an agrivated tone, my curiousity deepened...Was she talking about crystal? Krestal... I really don't remember...It seemed like such a long period of time.
"Oh, you mean D/n L/n?" (For this, D/n will mean Dads name. And M/n will mean mothers name) 

"Yes! Yes, D/n...Him...We were so deeply concerened for his family after he died...The call I received, was from their butlers. I don't know how they got our number. But their estate burnt down completely, and there have been no reports of their daughter." Kikyo said in a concerned tone.

I have no memory of any family named L/n?

I averted my black eyes from my mother to my father, who looked absolutely shocked. "No! B-but how, they currently live in (insert cold country of your choice) How on earth can that happen?!" My father said with a panicked tone before turning to the butlers. "Go, ring them up and reach their faculties...Butlers, or whatever employees they have." Silva said before turning to Kikyo. "What do they want from us...Do they have any other children other then his daughter?" Silva said, my curiousity was peeked. And I wanted to make sure I was on the same page. "Fathe-" 
Bad choice.

"Silence!" He hissed, I watched as some other butlers left to go to the butlers quarters. I looked back at my fathers, and I was met with his ice blue eyes. Resembling my younger brothers...
"Apologies..." I muttered before clearing my throat.
"I wouldn't know...They just wanted to warn us incase of any future issues considering that our business is connected to their family..." My mother said before shakily sipping her tea once more...
"Well what do we do?! If they dont find their daughter then who is going to be the heir of the family? And if where are they going to live...Without them, we lose a ton of power. And that the fam-" I watched as Kalluto interupt my father. One of these days, it's not going to look good for him. 
"They could just...Live here...Until their items are retreived and when there house is rebuilt..." Kalluto said quietly...Mother and father looked at him stunned, while Milluki was still trying to put the pieces together on what was happening...
"How...?! How on earth will we reach them properly?" My mother said frantickly.
"Um...Grandpa never got to speak." Milluki said before Zeno. (My grandfater) Stood up from his seat. That's when I noticed he had actually finished his food.
"Thank you, Milluki." He said in his raspy tone of voice.
"D/n was a dear friend to the Zoldycks. He helped out with wars, and taught Silva how to properly use nen. He even was the one who reccomended getting a guard dog. It would be a shame if we let the family go to waste. There are only two people remaining in their household anyway...If their daughter truly is deceased, then the entire 'L/n' family would not exist. It would just be a singular assassin." Grandfather said before the butlers took away his plate and walked up to father and mother. Before turning to me. "Young man, what do you think we should do? Merely I find you're the only intelligent one here..." My grandfather said with a sigh. Milluki looked offended, and I wanted to laugh when I saw how father looked.
"Still, why would we want to save an assassin family? Who are they anyway...? They could easily replace us in status." I said coldly. My father replied to my comment. "You have a point, Illumi. But how on earth could a family of two replace us? The Zoldycks. And i'm surprised you don't remember, looks like we'll have to refresh that memory of yours." My father said with a sigh.
"Alright, then I think it is settled...What will we be doing?" Grandpa said to father.
"Looks like we'll be housing the L/n's..." My mother said under her breath...

A  M I S T Y  M E M O M R Y (Illumi x FEM Reader) BOOK ONEWhere stories live. Discover now