Chapter 24

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*ೃ༄·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳Irdk how Illumi should act so we're ditching ALL the emotion :,) *ೃ༄·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

*ೃ༄·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳Irdk how Illumi should act so we're ditching ALL the emotion :,) *ೃ༄·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳

Y/n's POV

Eventually, breakfast did roll around. And it would be time to meet all (or, most) of the Zoldyck children. I was farmiliar with Milluki and Killua, but neither of them know i'm here. And I had walked past Kill's room, and it was emptied. So I highly doubt that Killua is inside the estate, as the amount of times the Zoldyck children tried to run away was incredible. I was upstairs, in 'my' room as I watched my mother walk passed the door and downstairs. It didn't exactly feel right to be here.

You're probably curious as why on earth I'd forgive Illumi so quickly. Well, I didn't. I just said the truth, that I missed him. Though, was was rather peculiar to me was why on earth did Illumi have a similar dream as I did. Obviously, I wasn't going to tell him that because who knows what on earth he is going to do with that information. I don't know what happened, but the Illumi I was farmiliar with now wasn't even remotely close to the Illumi that I liked...
We're going to say that I never had a crush on Illumi, because I never even came to a conclusion. Did I have a crush on Illumi? Did I really? I probably did, because after I moved away from Padokea...Hope and I would still talk, and she explained that my passion for Illumi was far greater then merely a simple friendship. But then again, love can fade away...

I was brushing my hair before I heard a butler enter the room. "Ms.L/n, breakfast will be served in a dozen minutes. Should you please escort yourself down to the dining hall." The man said calmly.
Did he just say a dozen minutes?

"Yes! I'll be down in one moment..." I said calmly, the butler nodded his head before he swiftly left the bedroom. I took a few one last looks at myself before shrugging it off and exiting my room, and taking the same path as I did earlier. It was now eight AM, and I was seriously exhausted. I guess that is what I get for waking up at 5-6 AM. When I made it to the dining hall, I saw Illumi, Kikyo, Mother, Silva, and this small child that was sitting next to Kikyo. Meaning she/he must be the youngest. The child's gender was hard to assume, but they had male facial features and feminine physical traits...Was this the sibling that was birthed a few months after the arguement Illumi and I had?
"Good morning, dear. Take a seat!" My mother said happily before patting the seat next to her. I nodded before walking over to the chair, and taking a seat. "Good morning.." I said calmly before  I turned my head and saw Violet sitting on a pretty blue cushion, as she was already munching on her food. "Good morning!" Said Kikyo.
After a few moments, another child entered the dining hall, he was wearing a pink shirt and definitely did not look like how a Zoldyck would look...If you know what I mean. (Sorry kid, but atleast i'm not saying it out loud.) 
"Good morning Milluki, have a seat." Silva said before he took a seat next to Illumi.
So that's Milluki...Well, good to say he hasn't changed much.

Milluki looked at me a bit, and I only blinked at him... "Who are you?" He said flatly, Illumi looked at him a bit as the room went silent...My mother turned to look at me, I was about to take a bite of my food before I noticed everyone staring at me.
This household really is judgemental...
I put my fork down and sat up straight before replying. "Well...Some of your siblings won't remember, but you were around nine years old the last time I came to visit. I would always come over with your older brother to study?" I said calmly before taking a bite of my breakfast. Milluki paused to think before turning to Illumi. "This is Y/n?!" He whispered to his older brother, Illumi sighed before looking back at me. "I'm almost 100% certain that she heard you say that...Along with the rest of the family." Illumi said before sipping song water. "But yes, this is Y/n...She is unrecognizable." He said calmly, I suppose that he meant that as a compliment because no one corrected him. So, I would take it as a compliment.
"No way! I don't remember you being this gorgeous..." Milluki said in a shocked tone, Kikyo looked at him with a look that clearly said 'if you don't shut up i'm going to whoop your ass'. I let a small chuckle escape my lips before Silva began to speak. "Well, as you said earlier Y/n...After you moved away, a few new members were added to the family. As you already know, there is Illumi, Milluki, and Killua...And over there sitting next to Kikyo is Kalluto, Illumi's youngest brother. Say hello, son." Silva said calmly, I turned my head to the boy with the bob-cut before he waved at me. I nodded in response, I did take notice to the fact that he had a bandaged hand...But that could have been from anything.
"Kalluto is merely ten years old..." Kikyo said calmly before patting her son on the head.
Wait, that doesn't make sense.
When Kikyo was pregnant with the next Zoldyck child, Killua was one years old. I don't know where he is now, but he'd be around maybe 12-13...So Kalluto would have to be eleven...
"There is...Someone else." Illumi pitched in, i'm assuming he saw my confused face. Though, I should try to hide it behind a poker face because I didn't want anyone else to start reading my mind based off of my emotions.

Silva sighed as if he was trying to avoid that, though- it was only fair. I did know the Zoldycks since I was itty bitty and was a retarded baby.
"Yes...Before you moved away, Kikyo was pregnant with someone else. But we don't consider him a member of the family." Silva said calmly before Zeno walked into the room, and sat next to Silva. 
"Alright...So, I was thinking that since Kalluto and I are going holiday shopping, Milluki is going to visit his acquaintances. And M/n and Silva are coming with us, Illumi and Y/n could catch up, maybe head to town? Go to a club?" Kikyo said calmly, Illumi swiflty turned to look at his mother, and I had the same expression. "What...Why are you two looking at me like that?" Kikyo said in defense to our expression. 
"They're looking at you like that because you reccomended going to a club." Silva said flatly, Illumi and I both looked at eachother for a split second before we continued eating. "Well, what do young adults do these days? Illumi doesn't enjoy all that social media garbage, and I can already tell Y/n doesn't enjoy it either. So why not they simply enjoy being adults?" Kikyo said before taking a bite of her food.
Well, I definitely don't hate social media. There are some apps that are enjoyable to look at, but whatever. 
"Or maybe we can just...Not go?" Illumi said, clearly that was a thought that was meant to stay inside his head because he immediantly apologized after he'd said that. 

"Nonsense! Oh, I was meaning to tell you this...But there is this light show that is literally called Illumi! I thought it would be amusing if you two went!" Kikyo said with a smile before she clapped her hands.
(I know that the Illumi light show is only in Canada, but I thought it would be fun if there was also one in 'Padokea'.)
"Well, that actually does sound...Decent..." Illumi said before looking up at me, I suppose I couldn't really say no. So I suppose, I had to agree with him. "Sure! Why not." I announced.
Kikyo smiled before my mother patted my shoulder.
"Wonderful!" Said Kikyo.
"So I suppose it is a date then!" Mother said with a happy tone. I almost spit out my drink in shock and Illumi looked just as stunned as I did.
"Mom!" I exclaimed.
Kikyo and Silva merely nodded their heads to my mother's statement. "What? It doesn't have to be romantic!" She exclaimed. I pinched the bridge of my nose before I heard one of Illumi's siblings chuckle.
"Well! Looks like you and Y/n are going to a light show!" Kikyo said to Illumi with a smile...

Oh lord have mercy.

(Just for context, the Illumi light show is a big ass light show in Canada that is really pretty. And any time I hear it I automatically think of Mr. Zoldyck, so here is a pic of what it looks like :) )

 Zoldyck, so here is a pic of what it looks like :) )

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

(The light show is 600'000 square feet, and it's not sponsered but I highly reccomend going!)

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

(The light show is 600'000 square feet, and it's not sponsered but I highly reccomend going!)

A  M I S T Y  M E M O M R Y (Illumi x FEM Reader) BOOK ONEحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن