Ch. 12 King's Royal Guard

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Katsuki couldn't shake the feeling that she may be somehow connected to the strange events happening around her. As she pondered her circumstances, a sudden chill ran down her spine as she felt a presence behind her. Turning around in shock, she was met with the sight of her brother Raion standing there, a look of concern on his face.

Katsuki Genji
"Raion, what are you doing here?"

Katsuki asked, relieved to see him but also confused by his sudden appearance.

Raion simply shook his head, a serious expression on his face.

Raion Genji
"I'll explain everything later, but right now we have more pressing matters to attend to."

"These two may have some answers regarding the phenomenon that's been occurring,"

He then called out to two figures lurking behind the wall nearby, motioning for them to come forward.

Gesturing towards the mysterious individuals, Katsuki couldn't help but feel a mix of fear and curiosity as she waited for the strangers to approach.

Miyu and Tsukiko emerged from their hiding spots, their eyes wide with curiosity as they approached Raion and Katsuki. Raion wasted no time in asking them if they knew anything about the time-stopping phenomenon that had seemingly affected everyone else in the plaza.

Raion approached Tsukiko and Katsuki with calm demeanor, his filled with curiosity.

Raion Genji
"Hello, I couldn't help but notice that you two are also not affected by this time freeze,"

he said, extending a hand in greeting.

Tsukiko and Katsuki exchanged a look of relief, grateful to have found someone else who understood their predicament.

Tsukiko Chinen
"Yes, it's like we're stuck in a moment that doesn't belong to us,"

Tsukiko replied, her voice tinged with wonder. As she glances at Katsuki. Miyu still haven't moved from her spot eyes are already fixed on Katsuki studying her in silence.

Katsuki who followed behind Raion, nodded in agreement, her mind racing with questions about what had caused this strange event.

Katsuki Genji
"Do you have any idea how this could have happened?" She asked Raion, hoping for some insight into their situation.

Katsuki, still trying to process everything, couldn't believe that there were others who were experiencing the same strange phenomenon. But at the same time, she felt a sense of relief knowing that she wasn't alone in this bizarre situation.

Raion observing his sister and the others silently analyzes the situations. As he comes to realize that time stopping seemingly all over the kingdom, probably has something to do with the three of them.

Raion Genji
"we need to figure out what's going on here," Raion said, a sense of urgency in his voice. "I think it's best if we talk in private."

With a determined look on his face, Raion motioned for Miyu and Tsukiko to follow them as he led them to a secluded spot. Without hesitation, he opened a warping rift in space, creating a portal to his pocket dimension.

Tense, Miyu and Katsuki hesitated to follow Katsuki who seems to walk towards the portal

Miyu Tachibana
*looks uncertain*
"Should we really go through with this?"

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