Ch.9 Departure 3- Celestia

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As the sun rising behind the picturesque horizon, casting a warm golden glow upon the bustling district, Katsuki decided it was time for her evening walk. Despite the air of regality that surrounded her, she was acutely aware of how her presence often evoked both curiosity and trepidation in those around her.

For this particular stroll, she had opted for an ensemble that exuded elegance yet maintained a touch of approachability. She wore a flowing, midnight blue dress that perfectly accentuated her small, graceful figure. Delicate silver embroidery adorned the bodice, shimmering ever so subtly as she moved. The dress was complemented by her usual vintage hat  silver felt hat with a dome crown and a fox suede band adding a touch of elegance and coordination with the delicate silver embroidery. She also wore a pair of black ankle boots with a silver embelished band on them adding a touch of sophistication and glamour to the overall look, making it perfect for both casual and dressier occasions. It adds a subtle statement.

As she meandered through the labyrinthine pathways of the district, her thoughts drifted to the dichotomy of her existence. Despite her desire to connect with other Highbreds of Celestia, she couldn't help but feel a pang of isolation. Their glances and diverted paths served as a constant reminder of the invisible barrier that separated her from their world.

Whispers trailed in her wake, carried on the soft breeze. Some spoke of admiration, marveling at her strength and poise. Others harbored idle gossip, spinning tales of imagined scandals or hidden motives. Yet, there were those who simply whispered in hushed tones, filled with mingled awe and sympathy.

"Have you noticed how she always makes an effort to smile? It must be exhausting."

"She never asks for attention, yet she carries the weight of a family name on her shoulders."

"Ooh, typical upper crusted behavior. Always treating people as pieces to their goal of domination."

Though they may have been unaware, these murmurs and snippets of conversation echoed within the Katsuki's heart. She pressed on, persevering with quiet dignity, for she knew that her actions spoke louder than any rumor or stray remark.

The district slowly grew more lively as the morning reaches closer to noon , and Katsuki, too, retreates to her home not far from her now. Her walk had provided a brief respite from the responsibilities that monopolized her days. As she ascended the grand steps of her abode, she carried with her the thoughts and echoes of the people she passed along the way. However, determined to use their whispered words as fuel for positive change.

And so, her early morning walk came to an end, leaving behind an impression of grace, empathy, and an unyielding commitment to her  ideal goals.

Katsuki arrives back at her home. Her house is a perfect representation of District-Celestia royal architecture, reflecting the refined taste of the Genji family. Scene: Katsuki's Home Entrance

(Bowling politely): Welcome back, Miss Katsuki. We hope you had a pleasant day.

Maid: Yes, Miss Genji. It's lovely to see you again.

Katsuk is slightly uncomfortable. "Thank you, both. I appreciate your kind words."

Smiling he says "We were eagerly awaiting your return. Your family has entrusted us with your care for many years now."

Nodding she adds, "Indeed, Miss Genji. We have been serving your family since you were just a baby."

Sighing softly says, "I understand the importance of having reliable staff by my side, but sometimes it feels odd to be served by people who have lived a life quite similar to mine."

Gently he states,  "Please, Miss Genji, we don't serve you because we are any less capable. We do it out of respect and devotion to your family."

Softly states her peace "Your upbringing may have been privileged, but it doesn't diminish our dedication to our work or our genuine care for you."

Takes a stance and Reflects "I suppose you have a point. It's just that sometimes, I struggle with reconciling the disparities between us. But I appreciate your loyalty and commitment."

Graciously he says "We understand, Miss Katsuki. But please know that we consider you as part of our extended family. There is no need to feel uneasy around us."

Sincerely, "We are here to make your life easier, Miss Katsuki. Whether it be managing the household or supporting you in any way possible."

Offering a small smile,

"Thank you, both. I value your presence and the sense of security you bring to this place. Let's head inside. I'm eager to unwind after a long day."

Now leading the way Leading the way.
"Of course, Miss Katsuki. Allow us to assist you in any way we can."

Steps along  alongside motioning Katsuki to follow her.
"Your comfort is our priority, Miss Katsuki. Please don't hesitate to let us know if there's anything you need."

As Katsuki enters the mansion, she acknowledges the butler and maid's familiarity, gradually accepting their presence in her life. Though uneasy at times, she understands the role they play and the support they provide.

The exterior of the house boasts intricate carvings and elegant pillars, showcasing the grandeur that befits their status. As Katsuki walks up to the entrance, she notices the ornate double doors made of rich mahogany, adorned with delicate gold accents. The foyer welcomes her with a high ceiling adorned with
a majestic chandelier, casting a warm glow throughout the area.

The marble floors, polished to perfection, reflect the natural light streaming in from the large windows. The interior decor is a blend of classic and contemporary styles, with tasteful furnishings and art pieces that perfectly complement each other. The color palette is sophisticated, with muted tones of cream, gold, and hints of royal blue, creating a serene and elegant ambiance. As Katsuki steps inside, she is greeted by the soothing sound of a small indoor waterfall, adding a touch of tranquility to her abode.

Overall, Katsuki's home reflects the opulence and refinement of the Genji family, providing a sanctuary where she can find solace and be surrounded by beauty.

As Katsuki made her way toward the familiar hallways of her family's grand estate, she couldn't help but feel a sense of restlessness. She glances over to the butler and maid who are awaiting her instruction. With a full smile she waves them bye and walks towards the hall. As if without further explanation the two bowed their heads and continued on with their dutys. The weight of her family's expectations seemed to hang heavily on her shoulders, even as she excelled in her studies and magical abilities.

Opening the door to her room,Katsuki sighed in relief. This space was her sanctuary, where she could let go and be herself. She glanced around, taking in the familiar sights and the comforting scent of familiarity that filled the air.

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