Ch.11 Departure-Victorious Moon, 香月

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As Katsuki entered the dining room for breakfast, her mother, Mrs. Suzuki, was already bustling around the kitchen, preparing a spread for the family. Her father, a stern and practical man, sat at the head of the table, scanning the morning paper with a critical eye.

Aran Genji
"Good morning, Katsuki," her father greeted her, barely looking up from his reading.
"I trust you are ready for your first day at the academy?"

Katsuki nodded, taking her seat at the table. She glanced over at her little sister, Her little sister, Hanabi, sat impatiently, tapping her foot and waiting for Katsuki to join them.

Hanabi Genji
"You took forever to get dressed again, Katsu!" Hanabi exclaimed, rolling her eyes.

Katsuki Genji
"I had to make sure my uniform was perfect," Katsuki replied, sitting down at the table and grabbing a piece of toast.

Katsuki rolled her eyes playfully, knowing her little sister was always eager to start the day. As she began to dig into her breakfast, her father asks,

Aran Genji
"Katsuki, have you heard from your brother yet?" he asked, his voice gruff but filled with concern. Katsuki shook her head, knowing that her older brother was busy training to become a knight of the Kings Guard.

Katsuki Genji
"He's probably out on duty, Father," she replied, trying to ease his worry. "He'll be back soon, I'm sure."

Hanabi couldn't help but gush about their older brother, who had recently joined the Kings Guard as a knight.

Hanabi Genji
"I heard he defeated a dragon yesterday!" she exclaimed excitedly.

Katsuki Genji
Katsuki's eyes widened. "Really? That's amazing! I hope he's okay," she said, a hint of worry in her voice.

Katsuki sat at the breakfast table with her family, enjoying a hearty meal before the start of her new journey at Elysian academy.

Her mother, always full of energy and enthusiasm, in and said,

Suzume Genji
" can't wait to hear all about adventures at the academy, Katsuki! Make sure to make some new friends and embrace every opportunity that comes your way."

Her father, more reserved but deeply supportive, added,

Suzume Genji
"Remember to stay focused on your studies and never forget the values we've instilled in you. You'll do great, Katsuki."

Her  sister, laid-back and cool as always, chimed in with a nonchalant,

Hanabi Genji
"Just be yourself, sis. Don't let anyone tell you who you should be."

As Katsuki left her family behind and made her way to an almost hidden stair way towards the back of her home.

As she walked through the underground tunnels of her home, she couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement building within her. The walls were lined with intricate tapestries and beautiful artwork, giving the otherwise dark passageways a touch of elegance.

Finally, she reached the center of the underground chambers where the teleportation panel stood. The panel itself was a shimmering circle of light surrounded by ancient runes and symbols, pulsating with energy. As she stepped onto it, she called out the name of the plaza where the ceremony was being held in Celestia entrance.

In an instant, she felt a rush of energy as the world around her blurred and shifted. When the light cleared, she found herself standing in the middle of the large plaza, surrounded by towering buildings and bustling crowds. The teleportation pad she had just used was located in a building 15 feet away, its presence barely noticeable among the grandeur of the plaza.

With a smile on her face, she made her way towards the ceremony, eager to join in the festivities and celebrate the special occasion in Celestia entrance. However, she couldn't shake the feeling of intense energy building up inside her. The closer she got to the plaza, the more alive she felt. As she walked towards the plaza, her steps quickened with a sense of urgency she couldn't quite explain. The feeling of unease grew stronger with each passing moment, causing her to glance nervously over her shoulder. People bustled around her, but she felt isolated in her own growing anxiety.

As she reached the plaza, everything seemed to slow down around her. The chatter of voices faded into a dull murmur, and the movement of people became sluggish and distorted. She furrowed her brow, trying to shake off the strange sensation, but it only intensified as she made her way through the crowd.

A passerby bumped into her, snapping her out of her daze. "Are you okay?" they asked, concern evident in their voice. She nodded absentmindedly, offering a weak smile before continuing on her way.

The closer she got to the center of the plaza, the more overwhelming the feeling became. It felt as if the world around her was closing in, suffocating her with its weight. Panic began to bubble up inside her, threatening to consume her entirely.

Despite her best efforts to remain composed, she couldn't shake the sense that something was terribly wrong. She looked around frantically, searching for some sign of what was causing her distress. But all she found was a sea of indifferent faces, unaware of the turmoil raging within her. Not only that they seemed fixed in place unnaturally for some.
As if staging some kind of flash freeze routine. Like the appearances she had seen on social media idly scrolling on her phone.

As Katsuki made her way closer to the plaza, a surge of energy washed over her. Each step she took felt heavier than the last, as if the atmosphere itself was trying to hold her down. The bustling crowds of nobles and students seemed to move in slow motion around her, their voices muffled and distant.

Suddenly, she bumped into someone in the narrow street ways leading to the plaza. Startled, she looked around but no one seemed to notice the strange sensation of time slowing down around them. The person she bumped into seemed frozen in place, a look of no concern to the what just taken placed as if they froze without knowing  what had happened.

Panicking, Katsuki tried to ask for help from the other passersby, but they too seemed trapped in this strange limbo. With a sinking feeling in her chest, she realized that something was very wrong.

Thoughts rushing her mind as she contemplates whether there is any survivors of this time stoping phenomenon. As she gazes amongst the crowd in their seats. Looking out into the plaza at everyone else, frozen in place amongst the attendees of this ceremony. Fully realizing the silence within the entire surrounding area. No alarms, no voices, not even a gust of wind. Left only with silence and stillness.

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