1: The Beginning

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a/n: hey everyone!! Another story for everyone!! please comment and enjoy!!!

(y/n) loves demon slayer. It was her favorite anime amongst many and as she sits in the quiet of her bedroom all alone in the dark with her computer screen glaring into her eyes as she rewatches the episodes, she cannot help but think to herself what would happen if she was transported to their world with any power she desires just to save them from a horrible fate. Sigh, it was a girls fantasy.

She moves her mouse to the next episode and clicks on it, adjusting herself on her bed. The next season had yet to air but luckily she knew the story from inside and out. She blew raspberries, "i wanna be in demon slayer...!" She whines out, rolling on her bed before slumping in sadness.

If there was a god out there who can create earth itself, she was sure there has to be other universes out there. (y/n) can't fathom how much times she's seen on wattpad how fans of their favorite anime's get warped into their desired show and ends up saving the day. Those were stories though, this was reality.

A couple bangs on her door were heard as her mother shouts from behind it, "knock it off with your whining, (y/n)!!!" (m/n) yells, "i can hear you across the room! Why don't you get a job!!" She gives one last bang before walking away.

"but moooommmmm!!" The eighteen year old huffs, crossing her arms, "you know how hard it is to find a job nowadays!" She remarks hotly. Yeah, she was a first year college student recently graduated from high school. She was still figuring out what to do with her life as she hops from major to major trying find what works best for her only to fail. Sigh, college life is hard, lmao.

At least she had her hobbies! Anime and tiktok. Although when she was younger, her mom made her do gymnastics and parkour so she was pretty flexible as a young adult!

Her mother was right tho, she needs to get out more instead of being a homebody (which she is). She sighs, saving her latest episode and exiting out from her computer as she slides off the bed. Trotting to her closet, she grabs some clothes which were (whatever you want).

After throwing them on, she left her room and quickly told her mom she was going out as she exited the house, walking down the streets. (E/c) hues glance upwards to see a cloudy sky, "hmm, didn't the forecast expect sunny weather or smth?" She checks her phone and was confused by the sudden weather change.

(y/n) was a sassy gal, someone who doesn't take disrespect and loves to make remarks at anyone who she doesn't like. She had no filter when speaking her mind and was definitely blunt to the bone when it came to her words.

Her eyes caught a newly opened antique shop hidden in the corners of the sidewalks, it was one of the stores you barely notice that are there. Something was calling her towards it and her feet happened to head in that direction. Before she knew it, she opened the door and a gust of wind blew past her, making her confused as she steps inside.

The bell on the top of the door jingles informing the owner that another customer has entered the shops. As (y/n) enters and takes her first few steps, her nose is automatically filled with the old smell of dust, it was like some of the particles were stuck in her throat the more she inhaled.

There are shelves and shelves filled with unusual objects dated years ago. The whole store seems to be covered with dust that (y/n) can practically see them floating in the space. She waves her hand at it, continuing her journey the more she browses the shelves.

She can tell that each item held a story or background to them. All the items were probably collected overtime and sold to anyone who was interested in the olde ways of fashion, furniture, etc. It was like taking a walk into some book she's read.

Shelves filled with old treasured books, strange looking silverware, unusually looking clocks, some which are moving at two times the actual speed and even statues of strange people. There were statues. Beautiful paintings of different Lords of ancient time. Ancient radios, cycles, chairs, books and furniture.

"wow!!!" (y/n) was in awe of everything, touching them with her fingers.

There were some... interesting things as well like pebbles, worn out summer gloves claiming to be powerful, hats claiming to make the wearer invisible, a broken umbrella which declared to protect the holder from bats.

(y/n) chortled as she read the descriptions of them, "as if a ninny would be gullible enough to pay for that." She remarks to herself, eyes darting to other items.

There was a whole shelf for old books. Some books are declared to be read by famous Kings and Queens of the past. Books which were shelf-worn, having bumped corners covered in dust, the spine falling apart indicating how many times it had been read before. Some books she could recognize like Wuthering Heights and Pride and Prejudice while others are foreign.

One section was filled with instruments. Olden instruments were placed in that corner. Trumpets, drums, harmoniums, mouth organs, flutes and many more. Some are so tempting that (y/n) had to resist making much noise in the quiet antique shop.

The more she walks, she can even hear the creak of wood under her feet as she moves forward to explore. She can even hear the creaking of the not-properly oiled fan moving at such a slow pace yet still the store is rather cool.

"ahh, i see you've stumbled upon my lovely collection, dear." An old weary voice says from behind her, startling (y/n) as she turns around, greeting an old lady whom was watching her with amused eyes.

(y/n) giggles nervously, gesturing with her hands as she spoke, "yeah, i did. I didn't realize your store was here, is this a new place??" She questions curiously, to which the old woman nods with a warm smile, observing the young female, "well it's very beautiful." She comments on it.

The old woman lets out a hearty laugh, "aren't you a modest one." She gestures to the trinkets and items around her, "for all my life i have collected these precious items. People these days don't share the same sentiment when it comes to antiques, they assume they are broken and old. Old they are, but broken they are not. They just need a little fixing up and they'll be good as new." She laughs.

(y/n) smiles, "each to their own, i suppose." She says.

The old woman observes (y/n) who was absentmindedly looking around the store, her body fidgety, she smiles mysteriously, "you seem like a wonderful young lady and because you were the first person to step into my store, i have a little gift for you." She gestures for the (h/c)-ette to hold her hand, which she confusedly did.

There was an awkward silence as (y/n) watches the old woman smile at her while holding her hand, not saying a word. It was honestly beginning to creep her out. What were seconds felt like hours to her before the lady released her.

(y/n) holds her hand, furrowing her brows in confusion as she nervously laughs, "uhm, i gotta go. Thanks for letting me see your shop." She quickly left the store. What the fuck!!??

Unbeknownst to her, the old lady was watching her. What she failed to mention was that she was a psychic too and grew up around the supernatural. She instantly felt something when (y/n) walked in the store. She held her hand in the guise she wanted to give her something and saw visions of the young female's future. She smiles, "i know you will do great things." She whispers.

As (y/n) walks down the sidewalk and there was a gun shot and something pierced her chest right where her heart was. She dropped to the ground in pain, blood seeping from her. People screamed around her as some went to help her only to realize it was too late.

(y/n) (l/n) was dead.

a/n; enjoy!

ℜ𝔢𝔡𝔢𝔪𝔭𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫 (Demon Slayer Various x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now