Battle 50: Pallet Town and Beyond!

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Misty: It's not funny to fool around with food!

Ash: Yeah, let's see how you like it! Team Rocket quickly feels the heat from their own concoctions.

Jessie: Come on! Let's get out of here and fast! A button comes up in front of Meowth.

Meowth: Power, on! Meowth presses the button and starts the propellers on the sides of Team Rocket's contraption.

Jessie: Say so long, Pikachu! Pikachu comes down underneath the contraption tied to a rope.

Pikachu: Pika Pika! (Someone help me)

Ash: Come back here!

Team Rocket: Bye-bye!

Ash: Squirtle, use your Water Gun attack!
Squirtle does so, but it wasn't powerful enough to reach Team Rocket.

Duplica: Ugh. Not even close.

James: Now let's make sure their party's really a BOMB! Jessie and Meowth start dumping bombs on to the crowd below.

Jessie and Meowth: Blasters away! Blasters away! Blasters away! The partygoers start panicking.

Delia: This is awful!

Oak: Disgraceful!

Misty: Guys, we gotta do something to stop them!

Ash: Don't worry. Pidgeotto, you get up there and burst that balloon! Pidgeotto takes to the air. Pidgeotto, use your Quick Attack! Pidgeotto dashes forward and bursts Team Rocket's balloon.

Jessie: Meowth, hit the panic button!

Meowth: You got it! Here goes! Another button comes up and Meowth presses it, sending out another balloon.

Niko: Wow, they actually came prepared for once.

Ash: Don't let them get away!

Jessie: Arbok, Poison Sting attack! Arbok materializes and attacks, the attack lands and Pidgeotto falls out of the sky, but Ash catches it.

Ash: Pidgeotto! Are, are you okay?Pidgeotto regains consciousness. Pidgeotto! We'll show them! Ash said getting Charizard ready.

Misty: Wait a second, Ash! I know we gotta stop them, but that's not Charizard's Pokéball, is it?

Ash: Yes, it is. So what?

Pikachu: Pika Pi! (Ash)

Ash: Don't worry! Help's on the way, Pikachu! I choose you, Charizard!Charizard materializes. I'm counting on you, Charizard. Please go and get Pikachu back for me. Charizard spits a small flame, then sees a table full of fruit.

Brock: It's no use!

Ash: Please?

Jessie: Come on, Meowth. Let's make sure those kids' party ends with a bang!

Jessie and Meowth: Blasters away! Blasters away! Jessie and Meowth start dropping more bombs on the crowd, causing them to panic once again, and they also destroy the fruit Charizard had his eyes on, making it furious.

Jessie: Charizard? Charizard charges for Team Rocket, and Team Rocket frantically toss bombs at it to keep them back and knock them out of the sky, but Charizard and easily sends the bombs right back at Team Rocket with its wings, destroying their balloon and sending them blasting off.

Team Rocket: We're blasting away again! Charizard then catches a falling Pikachu.

Ash: Good work, Charizard! Guess you finally decided you're gonna obey me after all! Charizard launches a fireball at Ash and roasts him. I guess not. Charizard's reckless flying then makes a mess of the whole party, or what's left of it.

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