Ch.17: Lost.

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"So, are we there yet?" Katie asked as she trudged after her half-sister who was holding her glowing sword up with one hand and carrying her camera with the other.

"We're getting closer, for the seventh time," Rose sighed, rolling her eyes.

Katie shrugged. "I'm just saying, we've been walking for thirty million hours!"

"Think closer to 40 minutes."

Katie sighed.

They kept walking silently through the smooth corridor.

"Are we there yet?" Katie said after a few minutes of silence.

"I will punch you," Rose said in a pleasant tone, as if she were proposing a picnic in the strawberry fields.

"Yeah, well-"

"We're here." Rose halted in her step, and Katie nearly stumbled into her.

In front of them, a small, 4 by 3 feet door, bathed in the grass green light. It was built in the same smooth stone as the rest of the tunnel, with a doorknob of dark green metal in the shape of a flame.

"Green metal!" Rose said, comparing her glowing sword to the door.

"Yep, again," Katie said unenthusiastically.

"This is our stop," Rose said, looking at the camera screen. Katie looked over Rose's shoulder and saw that the screen was just a mixture of the colours of the rainbow, showing that the signal was very strong.

"Yep," said Katie, "it seems like it."

Rose slipped her camera in her pocket. She slipped her now free arm around Katie's neck and pulled her in for a hug. Katie was slightly taken aback, since Rose wasn't big on physical contact, but she eagerly accepted the embrace.

"So we're rescuing a goddess. Normal teenager things," Rose said, pulling away.

"Of course," Katie said with a smile, unsheathing her dagger.

Rose inhaled sharply before turning the doorknob... only for it to not open.

Rose frowned as she jiggled the knob, but the door wouldn't budge.

"Well, that was anticlimactic," she said.

Katie tried pushing the door. When that didn't work, she tried pulling on the doorknob, but to no avail.

"What if it's like your sword?" Katie said.

"What do you mean?"

"What if it obeys a command word?"

"Maybe..." Rose said. "What's Open in Latin?"

"Well, I don't know," said Katie, "Latin is kind of your thing."

Rose nodded. She gave her glowing sword to Katie to hold and pulled out her Latin book. The second half of the book turned out to be a Latin dictionary. Rose frowned, as she hadn't noticed it before. How do you not notice a dictionary in your own book?

"The verb starts with an A, I'm sure of that..." she mumbled to herself, scanning the row of the As, "I need the verb open, 2nd person singular, imperatif because it's an order..."

Katie sighed and rested herself against the wall. This was going to take a while.

"Here!" Rose said triumphantly, maybe 40 seconds later. "The paradigm of my verb is aperio, aperis, aperui, apertum, aperire!"

"What's a paradigm- you know what, don't even tell me, I don't wanna know," Katie said. She pulled out a nail clipper from her backpack and started clipping her fingernails absentmindedly.  She'd leaned the sword against the wall, from where it could still radiate the light that Rose needed to read her book.

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