Ch.8: A New Discovery.

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A/N: If you don't know the song "The Schuyler Sisters", from Hamilton, you might wanna check it out before reading this chapter (but there's no obligation).
For anyone who doesn't know, this song has four main characters, a man and three sisters. In the part that I include here, the man (Burr) flirts with one of the girls (Angelica, who is a huge feminist), and the two girls are named Eliza and Peggy.

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As they ate, Rose was observing her camera, intrigued. Her eyes fell on two small buttons she hadn't noticed before, on the left side of the camera. One was red, with the letters "TI" on it, and the other was purple, with the letters "XI".

"Hey, guys, check this out," she said.

Her friends, who were eating their sandwiches, looked up. 

"What do you think these are?" she said, indicating the buttons.

"T-I and X-I?" Katie questioned.

"Yeah, I hadn't noticed them before," Rose said thoughtfully. "Maybe X-I is the Roman number 11?"

"And T-I?" Connor said, before taking a bite out of his sandwich. 

Rose frowned. "I dunno, T isn't a Roman letter. I, V, X, L, C, and M are, but not T."

"How about you take a picture?" Travis proposed. "It might help us figure it out."

Rose nodded. She pointed the camera at Travis and pressed the TI button. 

She gasped. 

"What is it?" Katie asked, looking over her shoulder. 

The entire image wasn't colored properly and the details were all blurry. When Rose moved the camera, the colors shifted. 

Rose frowned and pointed the camera back at Travis. She noticed that the area around Travis was blue, while Travis' silhouette was a mix of red, orange, and yellow. 

"It's Thermal Imaging!" she realized. "This is super useful!"

"That's so cool!" Connor said. "What colors am I?"

Rose blinked. "... You're the same as Travis. Red, orange, and yellow," she said.

"Awesome," Travis said. "It really is a magic camera!"

"Yeah, I thought it was just a clear-sighted camera, like a clear-sighted mortal," Rose said curiously.

 "So, what's X-I?" Katie said.

"While you guys figure it out, I'll be looking around," Connor said, getting up.

His fellow demigods ignored him, so he went back into the large, dark room, making sure to stay as close to the walls as possible. 

Rose pressed the purple XI button and pointed it at Travis again. 

This time, the background image was black. She could barely see Travis' outline, but what she could see were his bones, somewhere in between white and gray. 

"X-ray!" she said. "It's X-ray Imaging!"

"Seriously?" Katie said.

"That's amazing," said Travis, taking the camera from Rose's hands. "Never seen anything like it, and I've seen all kinds of stuff."

"Cool discovery," Rose mumbled randomly, taking her camera back.

"Speaking of cool discoveries, check this out!" Connor said, walking back with a black object in his hand.

"What?" Travis said. 

"You'll never guess! It's a portable CD player and some CDs!" Connor said excitedly, holding up the little radio.

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