Ch.14: And Into a Vampire Lair.

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Previously, on "He Stoll my Heart":

"We found the entrance, but you're not going to like it, Rose," said Connor. 

Rose frowned as she gave him his bag.

"Um, why?"

- - -

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT'S IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STREET!?" Rose exclaimed, waving her bag around like a crazy cowgirl getting ready to throw a lasso. 

Katie carefully took her sword away. 

"Okay, she reacted less crazily than you thought, Trav," Connor whispered.

"Thank the gods," Travis muttered.


"Okay, stop screaming Rose," Katie said. 

Rose closed her eyes and inhaled sharply. 

"On the street! Of the Golden Gate Bridge!!" she hissed. 

"Yes, but we've come up with a genius clever solution to get inside, alive," Travis said, carefully taking a step back.

Connor and Travis briefly explained their plan to Katie and Rose.

"I..." Rose started, mortified, "I absolutely despise that plan."

"I agree," said Katie, "the chances of us dying are..."

"A 78% chance," Rose said, shaking her head in denial. 

Katie passed her her sword back and Travis took two steps back. 

"That's good! A 32% chance is enough!" Connor said eagerly. "Onwards, comrades!" he added pointing towards the Golden Gate Bridge like an army general.

"It's 22% and I really don't think-" Rose started.

"Listen, Rose, do you have a better idea?" Travis said, his hands of his hips.

"I could think of 47 better plans!" Rose said, pointing accusingly at his chest.

"Alright, give me one," Travis said.

She opened her mouth to speak and found herself without words. She frowned as she closed her mouth.

It actually isn't that easy to find a plan to drop in the middle of the road covered with a hundred speeding cars. Without dying horribly.

"I would," she said, "but I'm not in the mood to waste my better ideas on you people."

She crossed her arms, nose high, and followed Connor, who had stopped to wait for them.

Travis chuckled and said: "That's gonna be my sister."

Katie let out a high pitched squealing sound. "Huh!? What do you mean by that!?" she said.

Realizing what he had said and how it could be perceived, Travis slowly turned bright red.

"Oh! Uh, I meant because I, um, absolutely think Connor and Rose are gonna get together by the end of the quest, and, uh, not because you- uh, us- marriage- I MEAN- obviously not- uh. .. I didn't mean anything - Oh, look at that, a bird!"

Travis' embarrassed rambling almost made Katie forget her own discomfort.

She chuckled, her cheeks still pink.

"You're cute when you're flustered," she said, before she could compute the meaning of her words.

When she did realize, her cheeks went from pink to rose red and her eyes widened.

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