Ch.4: Skydivers.

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"Great, that's done," Rose said, as she, her fellow demigods, and the four flight attendants walked away from airport security.

"I don't get why they made me take off my belt," Travis mumbled, "it's hard to get it back through all the loops on my jeans without a mirror."

"Awww, poor Travvy," Connor cooed.

"Shut up," Travis grumbled, trying to hit him. Connor dodged easily.

"It's because of the metal buckle," Rose said, "you need to remove all large metal objects."

"In how much time is the plane leaving, Erika?" Katie asked the African-American flight attendant.

"In 15 minutes, darling," Erika responded kindly, moving her red dreadlocks over her shoulder.

"We should board then," Katie said.

Erika nodded and hummed in agreement.

They walked through the airport and finally reached the gate.

Before boarding the plane, Katie stopped in her tracks.

Travis, who was walking behind her, bumped into her.

"Uh, sorry," he said. "Are... Are you okay?"

"I..." Katie hesitated. "I've never flown before. I've never been that far from the ground and, you know, the ground is kinda my territory..."

Rose and Connor had already followed Sophie, Mei and Erika onto the plane. Lakshmi was waiting for them, smiling patiently.

Travis smiled at Katie. "Don't worry about it," he said, taking her hand, "the odds of a plane crash are really small."

He didn't say that with demigods on board, the chance of a plane crash had greatly increased.

She didn't even notice what was happening and squeezed his hand. She started feeling better.

"Thanks Travis," she said.

The climbed onto the train, still holding hands, and followed Lakshmi towards their seats. 

"How long is the flight?" Katie asked the Indian flight attendant. 

"About 1 hour and 50 minutes," Lakshmi said.

She carried on walking in between the seats and Travis swore he heard Lakshmi mumble: "But not for you, it isn't."

He shrugged it off and figured he had misheard.

They sat down in the four seat row in the middle.

The seating placement ended up being Katie on the right, then Rose, then Connor and finally Travis on the left.

Travis and Katie couldn't help but be a little disappointed, even though neither of them would ever admit it, of course.

"The plane will leave shortly," Lakshmi informed them, "if any of you need anything, we'll be over there," she added, pointing in a direction.

Rose thanked her before she walked away towards her coworkers.

She had noticed that Katie had walked in with Travis, but now that they were on opposite ends, her half-sister seemed a little disappointed.

She raised a playful eyebrow and leaned down towards Connor.

"Switch spots with Katie," she whispered.

He stared at her for a moment before smirking and nodding.

"Hey Katie," he said.

"What?" Katie said.

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