Battle 48: From Friend to Foe

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Ritchie: Sparky! Sparky struggles to get up. You can do it! However, Sparky collapses. Sparky!

And with that Sparky is out, and so is Ritchie.

Referee: Pikachu is unable to battle! The match is over! Assunta is the winner!Ritchie's last Pokémon blacks out and Assunta is left on screen, her victory sealed.

Announcer: A spectacular finish to a spectacular match! Ivysaur's Solar Beam just overpowered Pikachu and Assunta is victorious! Ritchie runs over to his fallen friend.

Ritchie: Sparky! Are you okay, Spark? Both trainers congratulate their Pokémon on a well fought battle as our heroes stand in shock.

Ash: No.

Kota: Ritchie didn't make it.

Everyone else lowers their heads. Later, at the lake outside the stadium, Ritchie is holding Sparky while looking out over the water while our heroes watch from afar.

Ritchie: You're feeling better, aren't you?

Sparky: Pika. (I am) Soon, Ash shows up.

Ritchie: Hey, Ash.

Ash: Ritchie. I'm so..

Ritchie: Well, Ash. Now we have one more thing in common.

Ash: In common? Ash started to understand. Oh, yeah. Both trainers let their Pikachu go and play.

Ritchie: We can learn a lot, from losing. Ash joins Ritchie by the lake.

Meanwhile, in the grass, Team Rocket watches.

Jessie: It's upset time.

Meowth: We struck out so far, but now's our chance to sink a touchdown.

James: That's right, with those Pikachu. The final score will be Team Rocket, two, Twerps, nothing.

Meowth: This time, we're playing for keeps. Jessie and James chuckle and set to work.

Ritchie: I was so sure I could win. Too sure, I guess. If I knew how tough the Pokémon League was gonna be, I would've trained twice as hard as I did. Hey. Losing isn't really so bad. Ash looks in confusion. Now I know what mistakes not to make next time. And I'm a better trainer because of that.

Ash: 'Ritchie doesn't feel sorry for himself because he lost. He just wants to do better. I've been acting like a big baby.'

Ritchie: Hey, Ash. Let's make a promise. To become Pokémon masters no matter what.

Ash: Okay. Promise! Pokémon masters no matter what. Pokémon masters! That's us! 'You know, this reminds me a lot of when me and Niko made our promise. Niko, I hope you can make it.'

Meanwhile, Niko was currently in a heated battle against Assunta in the semi-finals.

Announcer: Amazing, folks! Niko still has two Pokemon while Assunta only has Ivysaur left. Things don't seem to be looking good for her.

Assunta: Ivysaur, Solar Beam! Ivysaur gathers energy.

Niko: Gengar, Confuse Ray! Gengar fires a beam which hits Ivysaur.

Assunta: Ah! Ivysaur was now confused and starred hitting itself with its own Vine Whip. Ivysaur, snap out of it.

Niko: Use Mega Punch! Gengar lands a critical hit, sending Ivysaur crashing into a wall. It slides down the wall unconscious.

Referee: Ivysaur is unable to battle! Gengar is the winner! That means the victory goes to Niko from Pallet Town!

Announcer: That settles it! Niko will move on to the finals! Niko runs over and hugs Gengar.

Pokémon: Indigo LeagueOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora