After Musa and Layla's failure, she came to me and Murtha.

"And what do we have here?" she asked.

We explained and tried to open the small chest with Murtha's illusion powers and my powers, but it failed.

Then she walked to Bloom and Stella.

"Ah, invisible magic perhaps?" asked Faragonda.

"We can't do it," said Bloom.

"Really, we don't even know where to start," added Stella.

"Fire and light are similar in more ways than one," said Bloom.

"Before you can converge your magic, you have to understand it fully," Faragonda explained.

"What do you mean?" Bloom asked.

"Find the true essence of your power. In your case, Bloom, it's not just fire," said Faragonda.

"It isn't?" questioned Bloom.

"It is actually the flame of life, and Caia's is the ice flame of death and destruction. There is much more to it than you know," Faragonda revealed.

I looked at her puzzled still not grasping it.

"That's why I have healing powers. It's part of the flame of life," Bloom realized.

"What about me?" asked Stella.

"Light is the expression of your power of inner vision, sight, clarity," explained Faragonda.

Stella had a face that didn't understand anything.

"What?" she said.

"Your power bursts forth to energize and illuminate so others can understand," clarified Faragonda.

Faragonda took us, the Winx, to the simulator.

"Tomorrow, we'll have a convergence test here in the simulator," Faragonda announced.

Oh man... another test...

"Test? Tomorrow?" Stella exclaimed.

"You really think we're ready for it?" I asked after our failure earlier in class.

"You should start practicing. If you need help, you can always come to me," said Faragonda.

"But the key lies in each of you," she added before walking out.

"Hey, Musa, look who's here. You think he came especially to see you," Stella teased, pointing to Jared, who was behind the window of the control room.

"Stella, he's here to learn about the simulator. Faragonda gave him access," Musa explained.

"Guys, let's not start arguing. We need harmony," Bloom urged.

"Right for the simulator test," said Flora.

"And the six of us will cast one big mega spell all together," added Stella.

Then Layla ran away crying.

"Oh hey, what's wrong?" asked Bloom as Layla ran away.

"The six of us. What about Layla? You hurt her feelings," Musa pointed out and then went after Layla.

"I forgot, I'm sorry I didn't mean to," Stella apologized.

"Of course you don't. You never do,"Musa muttered, rolling her eyes.

"It's not that deep," I rolled my eyes and positioned myself between Musa and Stella. "You know she didn't mean it, and she wasn't intentionally being rude, so drop it. Think about how Stella already feels now that she knows she made her upset," I said pointedly.

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