1. "New Beginnings"

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I slouched in the back of the classroom, observing the chaotic scene before me with detached interest. Students bustled about, their voices blending into a cacophony of noise that echoed off the walls. It was my first day at yet another new school, and I already knew the routine all too well.

This new school was yet another consequence of my father's ever-changing job. I've grown accustomed to the transient nature of our lives, drifting from city to city, school to school. Each new beginning brought with it a sense of detachment, a feeling of being an outsider looking in.

As the teacher droned on at the front of the room, I let my mind wander, drifting back to memories of the past. Each move, each transfer, felt like another nail in the coffin of my already fractured sense of belonging. But I had learned to adapt, to blend into the background and become invisible to those around me.

The bell rang, jolting me from my reverie, and I rose from my seat with practiced ease. I slipped through the crowded halls like a ghost, my presence barely registering among the throngs of students. It was a skill I had honed over the years, the art of being seen without being noticed.

But beneath my calm exterior lurked a darkness, a secret that I carried with me wherever I went. It was a darkness born of loss, a darkness that had shaped me into the person I had become.

It was lunch break, As I walked in the cafeteria it was filled with students. I grabbed a tray of food from the cafeteria line before finding an empty table to sit at. As I settled into my seat, two boys approached me, eager to introduce themselves. The tall one extended his hand first. "I'm Morb," he said, his voice booming in the noisy cafeteria. The other one followed suit, flashing a grin. "And I'm Ash," he chimed in, his green eyes sparkling with curiosity. "Nice to meet you guys, I'm Draco" I introduced myself extending my hand at the same time

As Morb and Ash settled into their seats, they immediately launched into a spirited debate over the merits of the cafeteria food. I listened with mild amusement, tuning out their banter as my gaze drifted across the room.

That's when I saw her – a captivating girl with black hair and purple eyes, surrounded by a cluster of admirers. I didn't know her name, but there was something about her that drew me in.

Turning back to Morb and Ash, I cleared my throat. "Hey, do you guys know who she is?" I asked, nodding in the direction of the girl.

Ash, mid-bite of his sandwich, shrugged nonchalantly. "That's Lily," he replied between chews. "She's pretty popular around here. One of the cheerleaders for the basketball team." He smirked, nudging Morb with his elbow. "What do you think, Draco? Interested?"

I raised an eyebrow at their teasing tone, but said nothing. Instead, I leaned back in my chair, a faint smile playing at the corners of my lips.

I knew that my journey was far from over. In the shadows of this unfamiliar place, I would find new opportunities, new challenges, and perhaps, new friends.
Well, it seemed this year would be more interesting than I had anticipated.

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