Chapter 19

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Vegas POV

We came home around 8 in the morning. We saw Macau having breakfast while his bodyguard was tring to feed phayu. When he saw us, he quickly came to us for a hug. We kept him updated about the mission's success. He has grown to be such a mature kid and a great help in looking after Phayu. I am so proud of my brother.

Meanwhile Phayu started fussing the moment he saw Pete. The bodyguard helped him get down the chair and he came running to Pete.

"PAAA!!!" Phayu screamed happily making grabby hands towards Pete.

Pete picked him up, hugged him tightly and showered him with kisses while apologizing in between. Phayu kept giggling in his arms, while i ruffled his hair. Initially Phayu wouldn't let Pete out of his sight but as he spent some time with me and Macau, he slowly got comfortable around us.

Days passed. Its been two weeks since the incident. We fell into a routine and everything feels so domestic. Something I never imagined getting used to. It still feels unrealistic how life has changed so much.

Some days I wake up to Pete sprawled all over me, sticking to me like a koala, sometimes we have phayu sleeping between us and wake up to his happy squeals. Then we get ready and have breakfast together with Macau. One of my favourite things is to watch Pete dress up Phayu. He bought all types of kids clothes and everyday there is a new theme.

He dresses phayu in cute dragon onesies, shirt pants, loose sweaters and what not. Their interactions are so heart warming. I help him as much as I can. Lately I handle the bedtimes and its quite fascinating how phayu is adjusting to me. I never thought someone would enjoy my presence after knowing for such a short while. Pete never pushed me to be his dad but I don't know what else I can be. He is Pete's son now and I already see my happily ever after with him, so it only makes sense if I become Phayus other dad.

Honestly I feel like I want to be his dad even though I haven't said that out loud. But the kid has made a soft spot for himself in my heart. So when I put him to bed and no one's watching I try to make him say dada. He doesn't say it but I hope he does someday. For now I am happy to be called as 'gath' 😅, short for wegath. I think he picked it from Pete. Really only listens to his pa, i guess. He calls Macau as 'cau' which sounds exactly like 'cow' 😂.

Even though I played a huge role on Macau upbringing this still feels different. I was kid myself at that time and never thought that I would have a partner or kids. I am not as good as Pete though. He is so natural with kids. Initially I didn't know what to do with the baby, how to talk to him or indulge him but Pete taught me. I find myself smiling at Phayu's silly antics and giggles.

Right now we are sitting in the garden on Saturday evening, enjoying the weather. I am enjoying this downtime. I think I might be ready to step back into taking control of my life, planning what I want do next and keep my family happy, protected and thriving.

 I think I might be ready to step back into taking control of my life, planning what I want do next and keep my family happy, protected and thriving

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