Chapter 11

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Pete POV:-

I can't believe my little sister is dead. I didn't know anything about what happened to her. I feel like I failed as a brother. She was one of the very few people who genuinely loved me. It breaks my heart. I feel this heavy weight on my heart. I feel so angry. I am going to kill that bastard who hurt my Lily. How dare he? Why do good women always end up with assholes?

"Let's go find Pat." I gave Phayu to the coach, got up from the chair, and walk out of the diner. I am burning with anger.

Everyone followed me. The market is close to here so I walked there. I asked the first vendor about Pat's shop. he gave me the directions. I walked to that place and saw him arguing with a customer. I went to him, grabbed his collar, dragged him out, and started punching him nonstop.

"YOU BASTARD. HOW DARE YOU HURT LILY?" I didn't give the time to react and kept punching him. 

People started gathering around us but no one tried to stop me.

"Pete? I knew you would come. I knew you would fight for that whore. Did she come crying to you?" His words angered me more.

"She was not a whore. SHE DIED...SHE DIED BECAUSE OF YOU. you abandoned her and your child. You broke her heart. I WILL KILL YOU."

He was shocked to hear this.

"What? Did she die? Did she leave that bastard child behind to punish me?"I can't believe him.

 "You have no right to call him a bastard. You ruined her life and now I will ruin yours." He started smiling challengingly to mock me.

I took out my gun and pointed it at him. The color drained from his face and now it was my turn to smile. 

"Pete. What are you doing? Put the gun down." Coach called me. 

"Listen to your dear coach Pete. You can't kill me. You will be in too much trouble for this. And is that the bastard she gave birth to?" He said pointing at Phayu.

"You don't know what I am capable of Pat. You don't know where I worked all these years. I can remove you from the face of the earth and no one would look for you. " I looked at Vegas and he gave me a proud look. I smiled back.

"You think people here would protect you after everything you did?"

"You are just a coward Pete. Just like when you were a kid. Did you forget your dad's beating? If you are so strong then fight me. Why are u hiding behind a weapon?"

"Fine. You wanna fight so much? Let's fight. I will beat the shit out of you that u will beg for mercy." I dropped my gun and he smiled again. He was always an arrogant player, always underestimating his opponent. Whenever he lost against me he would say he pulled his punches. Funcking loser.

He tried hitting me but I dodged it. His technique is still poor. When I saw an opening I kicked his chest and he fell backwards. I got on top of him and attacked his face and ribs. A crack was heard. I broke a few of his ribs. He pushed me off of him and tried attacking again but I caught his arm, twisted it breaking his bone, picked him up, and flipped him on the floor. He tried reaching for my gun on the floor with his noninjured hand. COWARD. I kicked the gun, stepped on his hand, and tucked the gun in my pants. He screamed.

I pulled him up and slapped him hard. I slapped him several times and then grabbed his neck choking him. I raised him in the air while choking him.

"You were always a loser, Pat. You played with Lily's feelings to take revenge on me for always winning against you. You ruined her life. She lost her parents at a young age. All she ever wanted was love. You took her will to live. Now I will drain the life out of you." 

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