Chapter 17: Heavy Metal Moshers

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"Well, this is it."

Alex could sense Kit's nerves as he pulled up onto the curb, parking Stella neatly between a bin and another car. He watched as her eyes scanned the crowds of leather-and-black clad teenagers lining up, laughing and chatting as they waited for the doors to open.

She had not moved since he turned off Stella's engine, and she was clutching her seat belt tightly in her hand, knuckles as white as snow.

Even when she was nervous, she looked pretty, and in the outfit she was wearing tonight, well....

When she had opened the door to him, he thought he was a fucking goner.

Fishnets? Since when had she owned fishnets? And he wasn't going to start on her little ruffly skirt and her dark eyeliner.

She looked great, like Joan Jett meets Siouxsie Sioux.

But she was paling noticeably now, her breathing becoming heavier.

He didn't know where he found the courage to do it, but slowly, he reached out and placed his hand on hers, which happened to be right on her heart, making him feel silly, but he ignored the nagging feeling in his head and went with it (a lesson he head learned from kissing Kit Parker).

"Hey." he said gently, and her head shot towards him, the slight look of panic in her kaleidoscopic eyes.

"Alex, I'm....I'm..." she trailed off, looking incredibly embarrassed as she began to shake.

"I-I'm scared." she stammered, her voice barely a whisper, her lips barely opening.

Alex squeezed her hand.

"Sometimes, being scared is a good thing." he said softly.

"I mean, take it from the guy that gets scared every time he's around someone like you." he said jokingly,(but with a little bit of truth), and she laughed shakily.

"If you don't like it, just tell me. Just say the word and we'll leave."

Her worried expression lessened and she nodded, unbuckling her seat belt and jumping out of Stella, him doing the same.

Approximately ten seconds later, after he had locked Stella and Kit was by his side, an all too familiar voice filled the nippy October air.


Kit jumped, startled, but Alex laughed as a lanky skunk-haired guy wearing a Blink-182 shirt and an ear piercing threw himself at him, engulfing him into his skinny, beanstalk arms.

"You shit-head! I didn't know if you were even going to show up tonight!" he said, ruffling up Alex's styled hair, which he wasn't happy about, but he let it slide because, it was Jack.

Jack pulled away, chuckling and grinning (as per usual).

But then his almond-shaped eyes made contact with Kit, and his smile grew wider, and maybe a little dirtier as his mind processed what was going on.

"And who's this cute little betty?" he asked, voice full of curiosity (maybe even a bit of arousal, due to Jack's flirty persona).

Alex rolled his eyes, ignoring Jack's flirting, and wrapped his arm protectively around Kit's waist as she snuggled closer to him (which made his stomach to a back flip).

"This is Kit Parker. She's a good friend of mine." Alex said, and Jack cocked a bushy eyebrow.

"Friends, eh?" Jack asked, a smirk plastered on his face, and for some God damn reason, Alex was reminded of his mom saying the exact same thing about him and Kit being friends.

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